Chapter 133 - Name Day

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When Sansa opened her eyes, she felt a warmth at her side and also a sudden lack of weight around her middle. She shifted and looked down. Her belly had shrunk considerably, but she knew that the remainder of her fat she would have to work off in the training yard with Loki. Loki! She gasped and sat up too quickly, immediately feeling faint. "Careful! You've been asleep for hours," said a voice and she turned. Arya was sitting beside her, a smile on her face. Sansa turned her head and saw that Loki was beside her on the mattress, still unconscious. She smiled and traced his jawline with her finger.

"She's awake!" said Jon as he entered the chamber with Ygritte, Bran, and Rickon.

"Where are my children?" Sansa queried and that was when she heard a chuckle. Robb stepped up with Daenerys and Tyrion. He pointed to a larger cradle that was near the window. Sansa made a move to get up, and Arya helped her sister stand and they walked to it. When she looked down, Sansa thought her heart would either break or melt. Two, adorable babies lay nestled in the cradle. The boy was in a little green tunic, and the girl was in a golden one.

"They are beautiful, Sansa. You should be proud," Daenerys told her. Sansa looked up at her queen, the tears in her eyes. She reached out and stroked her son's cheek before her hand wandered to where the little girl's hand was. Her daughter latched onto her finger and her eyes lazily opened. Sansa gasped. They were emerald green and concentrated. She yawned, her little mouth gaping, and her pink tongue poked out.

"You must name them when you're husband wakes," Tyrion said with a smile.

"He wakes now," a tired voice said and everyone saw Loki struggle to sit up, and press a hand to his temple. "Damn! My head feels like something is trying to force its way out of my skull!" Sansa walked back to Loki, flung her arms around his neck, and kissed him. When they separated, she put her forehead to his.

"We've done it! Come and see them!" Sansa coaxed, pulling Loki off the mattress. They supported each other as they approached the cradle. When Loki saw his children for the first time, a smile broke out over his face. He could not stop it and he did not care.

"Hello, little ones. I'm your father," Loki whispered as he reached in and picked up the boy. Sansa took the girl and they sat down with their children in their arms. Loki kissed his son all over his face and Sansa found her finger once again being held hostage by her daughter.

"You must name them. The criers are going to proclaim them to the people," Daenerys whispered in Loki's ear. He glanced up at Sansa and hummed as he thought of possible names for their children.

"Ragna," Sansa said, holding her little girl up and everyone looked confused. "It is a name with Nordic roots. It means 'powerful', just like my baby," Sansa said with fondness. Loki nodded his head. He liked the choice of name.

"Who was born first?" he queried and Samwell Tarly bounced up at that moment.

"The boy was born five minutes before your daughter," he explained and Loki thought in silence.

"Rhaenar Frostborn, son of Loki and Sansa Frostborn, and elder brother of Ragna Frostborn," Loki declared. Daenerys raised her eyebrow slightly. The name of his son sounded Targaryen and rather similar to her older brother, Rhaegar. "You can tell the criers and heralds. The heirs of House Frostborn have been born and acknowledged," Loki said with pride. Daenerys sent the Hound to deliver the message, as well as to bring Odin to witness the happiness of his son. Loki let his hand hover over Rhaenar and he felt magic stir in the boy. "He was the one who was draining you during the labor," he informed her and Sansa nodded.

"He has green aura magic, like his father," Sansa said and Loki grinned. Sansa looked down at Ragna and reached into her magic once again in order to search out mystical power in her daughter. She did not know if she should be disappointed when she searched and did not find any. At least, not magic. She could sense something else, but she could not pinpoint it exactly.

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