18 | Fine, you win

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| Elliott |

My body ached, my ass was sore, and my neck was finally marked by Damian Reed.

I was in Damian's personal bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror as I felt nothing but fucking amazing.

Damian and I had fucked throughout the entire day in his personal master bedroom in the pack house.

We had done it everywhere in his bedroom, on the floor, on the couch, on the bed, against the wall, he fucked me in every spot that was available.

It was past midnight when we had fallen asleep until I woke up at six in the morning and dragged myself out of bed, going to the bathroom since I needed to piss.

Once I was done, I caught sight of myself in the mirror above the sink, I almost screamed since I had hickeys everywhere, but the worst was between my legs on my thighs.

Damian's favorite part of my body was my thighs, he loved to kiss them, bite on them and leave marks behind.

I glanced between my thighs, seeing his cum trickle down my legs since we hadn't used protection, Damian had gone raw on me. 

Though Damian had shown me that he was tested negative last week for sexual diseases.

I needed a shower, and I needed to change the bedsheets, since they were covered in our body fluids.

I took a quick glance at the king-sized bed where Damian was sprawled naked on the bed, he didn't seem to mind sleeping in that bed, but he has a big cock and a very nice ass...

I shook my head, returning to the sink and splashing cold water on my face, since I needed to give my mind a break.

My body could heal very fast as a wolf, but my mind could not, and I was afraid of becoming an addict of having sex with my mate.

I bet all my money if I climbed on top of Damian, he would fuck me until I passed out and fall asleep with his cock buried deep inside of me.

I ignored those thoughts since I really needed a shower. I turned on the water in the shower, stepping inside when I got the right temperature.

I washed myself for a few minutes until I heard Damian walking inside the bathroom and stepping inside the shower.

"You weren't in bed..." His voice was low and sleepy.

He stood behind me, pressing his chest against my back and wrapping his hands around my body.

"I wanted to shower, I stank like shit." I answered, massaging my hair with shampoo, then allowing the water to wash it away.

Damian had other plans for me as his hand found my cock, he slowly began to stroke my cock in the shower.

"D-Damian, I h-have school." I moaned as his palm clenched tightly around my cock, and I felt like I was about to explode from pleasure.

"You will call in sick today..." Damian nibbled on my ear as he didn't stop fucking my cock with his hand.

"I can't m-miss school, I have a test." I told him, shutting my eyes since I was addicted to the pleasure. 

"Don't worry, I will make a quick call to the school so you can do the test another day." Damian says, and I felt his cock pressed against my ass.

"Fine, you win." I moaned as I came hard in his hand, my entire body was on fire since I had gone into a sudden heat.

"Good because I already made the phone call."


It was Friday when I headed to the Cafeteria for Lunch after class had ended.

Ash joined me as we grabbed food before heading to a table in the corner of the busy and loud Cafeteria.

There was a person who dropped ketchup on the floor, which made my best friend almost stumble on the floor since he thought it was pig's blood.

My best friend was still startled, he got traumatized as he didn't go anywhere near the janitor's closet. 

But he didn't stop being my best friend, he didn't want to since he said it wasn't my fault, which brought tears to my eyes.

"So, what have you been up too?" Ash asked because I had been absent from school the past three days.

"I lost my virginity and got marked by Damian..." I confessed to my best friend as we were sitting in the school cafeteria eating lunch.

Ash dropped the fork on the table, his eyes went wide, but his mouth went wider.

"That's why I missed school these past three days. We were at the pack house mating like rabbits." I say, taking a bite of the meatball.

Ash had stopped working for a few seconds until he almost yelled on the top of his lungs, but I slapped a hand over his mouth.

I released my hand once I knew that he had calmed down from his shock.

"You got marked by Damian and lost your virginity? How was it?" Ash questioned, since he was also a virgin, he wanted to know the experience.

"It was amazing. I have never felt that way in my life, I'm afraid that I will become a sex addict." I commented, taking another bite of the meatball on my fork.

"Really? So it was true that having sex with your mate is a mind-blowing experience." Ash mumbles, staring at his plate of food.

"It is mind-blowing, but the best part is the marking, it's like I was on drugs even when I have never ever been high in my life." I explained the emotions I felt during the mating process.

"Does it hurt? Is there even a slight pain?" Ash sounded scared.

"In my case, there wasn't any pain, I only felt pleasure and a euphoric feeling." I showed him my right shoulder where there was a tooth mark from Damian.

It was red and swollen now, but in a few days it would turn into a beautiful scar.

"That looks like it hurts." Ash winced at the sight of my right shoulder.

"I can promise you that It doesn't hurt, it feels fucking amazing." I say with a smile on my face, I felt like my face was basically glowing.

"I'm happy for you." After that, my best friend grows silent, he's barely eating the food on his plate.

"Are you okay?" I asked out of concern.

"I just feel lonely," He groaned, sounding miserable.

"You have found your mate, you have lost your virginity, you're in love and glowing, almost blinding my eyes, I'm very happy for you, but I feel lonely..." He whined like a little bitch.

"You're not alone, you have other friends." I recalled when he stopped and talked with a few guys at the pack house.

"We're loners in this school, we only have each other." Ash explained, finally taking a bite of the garlic bread.

"You have friends, I saw those people you stopped by to talk with, that night during the pack house party."

"Those were my family members..." He cleared up the misunderstanding.

"Oh... So you really are a lone wolf." I teased him, but he showed me the middle finger.

"Don't worry, my friend, I will not leave you. I may not be a virgin anymore, but you will find your own mate." I assured him since we were best friend.

"I can only hope." 

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