43 | Kallias and Killian

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| Elliott |

After a few more attempts of pushing, the first wail broke out in the hospital room.

"Killian Reed." The nurse declared that my son was born healthy, and It took a matter of seconds for my second baby to be born.

"And Kallias Reed." The nurse announced, and I was overjoyed that they made it out alive and well.

The nurse cut the cords, checked on the twin's current health while cleaning the blood from their skin, then wrapping both of them in a separate clean piece of cloth to keep them warm.

My chest was bare when the nurse placed Killian on my right and Kallias on my left as I cradled them in my embrace.

I did not believe in god, higher powers or a deity, but at that moment I thanked somebody from above that my children were born healthy and well, it was all an omega could ask for their children.

I gave birth to identical healthy twins, what more could I ask for?

The fact that my children were safe in my embrace was enough for me.

I cried with my babies who were on my chest, their faces were flushed and slightly swollen since they were only a few minutes old.

"You did well, vita mia." Damian says in a soft voice, holding my hand as support.

The nurses leave us alone after checking that mine and my children's health is in good condition.

"I love you." Damian is standing beside the hospital bed, he has not taken his eyes off me after I had given birth to our babies.

"I love them so much..." I whisper, feeling nothing but unconditional love.

Kallias and Killian had calmed down as both of my children searched for my nipples until they found it and began to drink the milk as I chose to breastfeed them.

I leaned my head against the pillow while Damian ran a hand through my blonde locks in order to comfort me.

"You're really the love of my life..." Damian whispers, leaning forward and placing a peck on my lips.

"Not in front of the kids, honey." I teased, but he only smiled against my lips.

He pulled away, taking a chair and sitting down beside me, since he wasn't going to leave my side.

Damian hadn't left my side throughout the birth, I think he was more afraid than me.

"Do you know anything about Ash's condition?" I asked him about my best friend who got shot in the shoulder.

Simon Nash had died on the spot after getting shot in the chest two times by Damian and the Alpha king.

"He has gotten out of surgery, but he's in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up. The doctors think he will wake up in a few months or weeks." Damian announced the bitter news.

"A few months?" I muttered, staring at my children as their godfather was in a coma, but I would wait for him to wake up, he was my best friend.

"Yes, but the Alpha king is with him." Damian tried to reassure me that my best friend was in good hands.

I nodded, but another question popped up in my mind. "How did you find us? We were hours away in another town."

Damian looked hesitant, like he didn't want me to know.

"Tell me, Damian." I asked, forcing the truth out of him.

"Inside the engagement ring there's a tracker which tells me your whereabouts..." Damian confessed.

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