21 | She's pregnant

75 1 0

| Elliott |

Damian drove his sports car inside the garage and once the garage doors closed, we headed out of the car together.

"Will you tell him now?" I asked in a small voice, since whenever I was nervous my voice got weaker.

"Yeah, I will tell my dad now. You're my mate and I don't plan on treating you like a dirty secret. My dad will have to get a divorce, or he can move away with your mother." Damian says, placing a hand on my lower back.

He led me into the house, and we made our way into the kitchen, where Damian's father was unpacking things from his trip.

At the sight of us, the man seemed happy, "Elliott and Damian? I have heard that you have gotten along well."

Richard sounds proud of us, since he wanted to have a happy family.

"Dad, I have something to tell you." Damian didn't beat around the bush.

"Good, because I also have something to tell you." The man says while placing small boxes on the table.

"He means that we have something to tell you." Anna comes inside, standing beside Richard.

Anna is wearing a large dark coat, as she doesn't seem to plan on taking it off.

Oh shit, I have a bad feeling about this.

"About what?" Damian grows agitated by the second.

"I'm expecting a child, you're going to have a sibling, Damian!" Anna's words are only directed at Damian, since he is related to the child.

Anna takes off her coat where her baby belly is visible, she must have hid her pregnancy from us since she looked to be five months.

My heart sank to my feet because what did this mean for me and Damian?

"That's why I'm wondering if Elliott could move to Damian's place for the rest of his senior year because I don't want to have any teenagers around me." Anna laughs in a gentle manner.

But she basically is telling me to fuck off from her life.

"Why can't Elliott stay with us? He's your son." Richard stops putting the boxes of gifts on the table.

Anna's expression changes in a split second, "It was his suggestion because he called me last night and begged to move out of here."

I never made that kind of call, and last night I was with Damian.

Though, Anna's gaze was harsh and cold whenever she looked my way.

"I don't-" I got cut off by Richard since he stepped out of the kitchen and made his way out of the house.

Once Richard was out of sight, Anna went on to say, "Damian, you can do whatever you want with Elliott. You can leave him on the street to die or sell him, I don't care, just get him out of here since I know how much you hate him."

I'm playing along with her, Damian spoke through me from our bond.

"Why should I take him?" Damian crossed his arms.

"Elliott likes you, he doesn't know it yet, but he always looks at you whenever you visit, and I don't want him to be together with you because of this baby, your sibling." Anna placed a hand on her baby belly.

Has she always been this vile, Elliott?

Yes, Damian, she's only showing you her true colors now.

"But thankfully, I have signed a document last year when it states that the step siblings, Damian and Elliott, are not allowed to have any sort of romantic relationship." Anna laughs, covering a hand over her mouth.

"We are both adults, you can't sign these kinds of contracts without our permission." Damian argued, he was about to explode any second.

"The Alpha king agreed to sign the contract in his visit last year, since he's the one who's overseeing the werewolf society across the world." Anna answered, looking excited.

Once the Alpha king signs any sort of contract about a wolf, there's no way out of the contract unless the king himself breaks off the contract.

The Alpha king could sign a marriage certificate for other wolves, and they can't break out of the contract.

"That miserable motherfucker, I will kill him." Damian had snapped, his eyes had turned red, and he was about to transform to kill Anna.

But I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Damian, don't attack her, I don't want you to get locked away or hurt yourself."

Damian calmed down for my sake, and he said, "Anna, you said you called Elliott last night, right? But I was fucking him the entire night, nobody called him."

Anna's face grew flushed and angered. She clenched her fists since she knew that it could lead to a divorce.

"Do you wanna know something else? Elliott is my fucking mate, if you try to tear us apart, I will make your life a living hell." Damian warned the woman.

The tension grew in the room until Richard broke the tension among us since he was carrying a big box.

"Dad," Damian says to his father once the man puts the box down on the floor.

"Yes, son?"

"I'm happy that mom died, or else she would have killed herself by having a mate like you." Damian tried to hurt his dad since the guy couldn't be with his mate, with me.

Damian stormed off, and I followed after him, since leaving his side now would be dangerous.

He could do something dangerous to himself.

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