47 | How can a bitch be alive?

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| Elliott |

Do you know who I called to take care of the kids? Kai Lockhart.

Dominic's kids weren't awful, they were pretty chill as they were sitting around the dining table, I had given them paper and pens so they were busy drawing.

On the other hand, I was busy making dinner for the kids and Kai Lockhart, since that was the only reason he agreed to help me babysit.

"How is it possible for a tiny human being to shit so much...?" Kai entered the kitchen with Kallias in his arms as he had changed his diaper.

Killian was sleeping in the bassinet which was in the corner of the kitchen. He had been fed, then he fell asleep, since that's what my babies did most of the time, they slept.

"Are you badmouthing my son, Kai?" I teased while making the chicken soup.

"Of course not. His royal highness, Kallias Reed, is treated with the utmost respect!" Kai jokes, bowing his head.

"Are we related to those babies? Our dad has the same last name as that baby." The girl who was about ten years old pointed at Kallias.

I was caught off guard by the comment, since I hadn't even thought about it. Hell, I only found out Damian's grandmother was alive, now she might be dead.

"You are related to both the babies, Kallias and Killian Reed. You are..." I tried to quickly figure out how they were related.

I glanced at Kai, who had nothing but pity for me. He could see that I had no idea about this.

Damian and Dominic's children were cousins, what were our kids?

"You are first cousins once removed." Kai answered the question since he saw I was struggling.

"Oh! So we are cousins! I have more small cousins!" The eight-year-old boy looked up with delight in his eyes, he seemed excited.

"We have five other cousins but all of them are big, except Willow, she is the smallest and cutest cousin." The young girl says before returning to her drawing.

I force a smile on my face and focus on making the chicken soup. Kai put Kallias next to his twin brother in the bassinet, then he went over to me.

"Damian doesn't mean any harm..." Kai whispers, since he doesn't want Dominic's children to hear us.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." I muttered, cutting the large carrots, then throwing them in the pot.

"Damian wants what's best for you and your kids," He comes to defend his Alpha, since they are childhood friends.

"Kai, I know I sound like a whiny bitch, but nobody has come and visited the twins. Richard hasn't even made a phone call to check in on them. I don't care if nobody checks on me, but my kids are another matter, I want them to have a family." I whisper through gritted teeth.

I glanced behind me, Dominic's kids were still drawing, not listening in on our private conversation.

"Why is Damian keeping the twins from meeting his family? Unless they are a bunch of serial killers." I question. 

Kai grows silent for a few moments, he's only watching me as I'm making the chicken soup.

"Damian..." Kai clears his throat. "He wants what's best for you, some secrets are best to be buried."

I cut harder into the celery, the sharp knife echoed in the kitchen, which startled Kai Lockhart.

"Mia Nash isn't dead..." He confesses out of nowhere.

My hand stopped midair, holding tightly into the knife. "What did you just say?"

"Mia is alive, she's living with Damian's grandmother but..." I looked at Kai, the guilt was visible in his eyes since he seemed to be keeping the secret.

"Come on, Mia has been dead for two months, everybody held a funeral for her in the town's church." I chuckled lightly, not believing his words yet.

"She's alive, Elliott. She's locked up in Damian's grandmother's mansion because she is paralyzed from the waist down, she is sitting in a wheelchair." Kai explained, his eyes begging me to believe me.

"Kids." I turned to look at Dominic's children, who were sitting at the dining table and were lost in their own little worlds.

"Have you seen a young woman in a wheelchair at your grandmother's place?" I asked in a gentle voice, not trying to raise any suspicion.

It was the young boy who went on to say: "Oh! You mean aunt Mia? She's living with grandmother because she's raising little Willow. Aunt Mia is so kind to us, she always gives us a lollipop whenever we visit!"

"Really...?" My voice was barely above a whisper, since I could barely make any words.

"Yep! Aunt Mia joins every family gathering that we have twice a month, but she doesn't stay too long since she has problems with her legs." This time, the young girl mentions it with an excited voice.

"You have family gatherings twice a month...?" I mumbled out of shock.

"We have family gatherings on Saturdays! We will have a family gathering this weekend." The young girl comments, she seemed to be waiting for the weekend.

I turned away from them, unintentionally holding onto the sharp edges of the knife with my hand, which drew blood from my palm.

"Elliott!" Kai immediately took the sharp knife away from my hand as blood streamed from my palm and onto the floor.

Tears blurred my vision since I felt betrayed. I thought Mia, the young woman who tried to kill me, was dead, but she was alive.

Did Damian's family think I would kill her? Did Damian think I would kill her?

"Elliott..." Kai whispers my name as he wraps a clean towel over my palm, putting pressure on the wound.

"Blood!" The kids yell in shock as my children wake up from their naps.

I yank my hand away from Kai, heading towards the bassinet, picking up the twins and holding them gently in my embrace.

My wound would heal since I'm a wolf. 

"You and the kids can sleep in the spare rooms. And the soup is done." I told him before heading out of the kitchen and went to the master bedroom, locking the door behind myself.

I calmed down my children as they fell asleep in my arms, I placed them in their baby nests before I tended to my wound.

I walked inside the bathroom, sitting down on the bathroom while taking a clean white cloth and putting pressure on my palm as tears didn't stop flowing from my eyes.

I heard Kai banging on the door for a few moments, but he stopped when I didn't open the door, since I needed to be alone or else I didn't know what I would do.

I sank on the floor, my body racked with sobs as I struggled to comprehend the situation, I didn't know what was happening anymore.

But I didn't think I could stay with Damian anymore, I felt like our bond was slowly fading away, but that wasn't possible.

I wondered the same thing I did a year ago, what was the moon goddess thinking? It must have been an error pairing us together.

Maybe Damian and Mia were supposed to be mates, but I came between them? 

At this point, I didn't see a happy ending for us.

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