46 | Damian's jealously

45 0 0

| Elliott |

One week later, I went grocery shopping since Damian had given me his black card, and told me to buy anything I wanted.

I pushed the double strollers through Walmart. My babies were sleeping peacefully since I had changed their diapers and fed them before we went out.

I went to the drink section, searching for ice tea, since that was my favorite drink. I managed to find it, but I couldn't reach the drink.

To my luck, there was somebody who grabbed the ice tea for me.

"Thank you," I thanked the person as I put the ice tea in my cart.

"Look who we have here, Elliott Carey, the person who perished from the clothing store." Alpha Dominic teased me because after I had resigned from my job, I disappeared like a ghost.

"Alpha Dominic, what brings you to this town?" I allowed a small smile on my face.

"My family lives here, so my kids visited their grandparents over the weekend." The man gazed further away from us.

There was a boy and a girl who were picking out sodas while their father wore a disapproving look.

"What did I say about sodas?" He says to his kids, yet his voice wears a gentle tone.

"Only on Saturdays..." The girl mumbles in disappointment, putting the large bottle of soda back on the shelf.

On the other hand, the boy takes a coke, opens the small bottle and drinks it to spite his father then he pours the drink on the floor.

I gasped when the boy rushed away from his father.

Alpha Dominic tried to be composed before he went after his kids, who were little rascals.

I gently laughed before I headed towards the cashier since I had taken everything I needed.

I was waiting in line since there was a long line on a Monday Afternoon.

I was minding my own goddamn business when I heard two people gossip behind my back.

"Hey, isn't that Alpha Damian's mate?" I heard two people whispering behind me in line.

I glanced out of the corner of my eyes, and it was two girls who were gossiping about me, they were girls who had been in the same class as me.

What a lovely coincidence.

"It must be him! His name is Elliott Carey, right? He was in our class." One of them whispered in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, he used to be Damian's stepbrother before their parents got divorced last year, don't you think it's weird?"

"It's definitely weird, especially when Damian already has a child with another woman, Sophia's older sister, who tragically passed away."

They didn't stop gossiping about me as the gossip took a darker turn.

"I think Elliott Carey killed Mia Nash since everyone knows how mates can be possessive of one another, I feel so bad for her."

I wanted to snap at them, but I had Damian's reputation to think about.

If I started yelling and hitting them in the grocery store, Damian would face the consequences of my actions.

Instead, a different idea popped up in my mind.

I turned around to get their attention. "Hey, children."

"What?" The girls said in unison, as they didn't care that I had heard the gossip.

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