Chapter 7

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It was a typical Wednesday afternoon when Seungkwan first met Hansol. The school halls were buzzing with the usual chaos of students hurrying to their next class, conversations overlapping as everyone rushed to get through the day. Seungkwan, on the other hand, was taking his time. He was in no rush, his focus more on finding something to complain about to his friends than getting to class on time.

He turned a corner, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone when he bumped into someone—hard. The sudden impact sent his phone flying out of his hand and crashing to the floor.

"Hey, watch it!" Seungkwan snapped, crouching down to grab his phone, hoping it wasn't cracked.

"Oh, sorry!" a voice replied immediately, sounding genuinely apologetic.

Seungkwan looked up, ready to throw a sarcastic remark at whoever had caused his misfortune, but he paused. The boy standing in front of him had a sheepish grin, his eyes wide and a little startled, with a backpack slung over one shoulder. He was tall, with a laid-back vibe that contrasted sharply with Seungkwan's usual high-energy personality. This had to be Hansol—someone he'd heard about in passing but hadn't actually met.

Seungkwan stood up, brushing the dust off his phone, checking the screen for any cracks. "You almost destroyed my entire life in one bump, you know that?" he said, half-joking, though still a little annoyed.

Hansol smiled awkwardly, his hands up in a peace offering. "Sorry, man. I didn't see you there."

Seungkwan raised an eyebrow, still inspecting his phone. "Clearly." After a moment, he added, "You're Hansol, right? You're friends with Seungcheol?"

Hansol nodded. "Yeah, and you're... Seungkwan, right? I've heard about you. You're always hanging out with Jeonghan."

Seungkwan's chest puffed up a little. "That's right," he said with a hint of pride. "The one and only. The loud, fabulous one."

Hansol laughed softly, and Seungkwan was a little surprised by how easygoing the guy seemed. He was expecting someone more aloof, maybe harder to get along with. But Hansol had a kind of mellow vibe, like nothing really bothered him.

"Nice to finally meet you in person," Hansol added. "Seungcheol talks about you guys a lot."

Seungkwan scoffed, though there was no malice in his voice. "I hope it's all good things. Seungcheol's lucky to have me and Jeonghan around to keep his life interesting."

Hansol chuckled, adjusting the strap of his backpack. "Yeah, he's mentioned a few of your... moments."

Seungkwan narrowed his eyes playfully. "Moments? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you're not exactly quiet," Hansol replied with a grin, his tone teasing but light.

Seungkwan smirked. "Hey, I'm not made to be quiet. Some of us are born to be stars."

Hansol gave a soft nod. "I can see that."

For a second, Seungkwan wasn't sure if Hansol was mocking him or just going along with his usual self-assured attitude. But the way Hansol said it was so genuine that Seungkwan couldn't help but soften a little.

"So," Seungkwan said after a beat, "if you're friends with Seungcheol, you must be one of those quiet, introverted types, huh? All into coding and nerdy stuff?"

Hansol shrugged casually. "I guess. But I'm not as into it as Seungcheol is. I just kind of follow along."

"Figures." Seungkwan gave him a once-over, eyes gleaming. "You don't look like you'd get all worked up over algorithms or whatever."

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