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A/N: Heller all my lovely readers!!! Here is my first Larry Stylinson Fanfic!!! Also my first mpreg fanfic sooo...this should be fun. Well I hope you guys enjoy this Fanfic and please check out Repentance if you're not reading it already please. Okay dokay!! Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

It felt like a normal day at school as I wondered the halls of London Academy. Some may say that high school is nothing but noise, but to me it was just an eerie silence. The sound of my own feet padding against the tile floors echo in my hollow head as I made my way to my first period class.
I turned the corner, not thinking of much as I pressed my foot down on the other side of the wall. When suddenly, I was shoved against the wall, all of the air leaving my lungs. I struggled to release myself from this person's grip as I swung my body from side to side. It only made it worse, unfortunately. Because within seconds, my nose began to leak a warm liquid substance and I stumbled to the floor. Instead of the sound of my feet casually tapping echoing the halls, it was my distinct cries for help and my screams sending loud vibrations against the wall beside me.
My ears started ringing as I pleaded for this person to stop, but it only became more violent. The harder I was beaten, the louder the ringing had gotten. It was around the second when I was falling into unconscious when the ringing became more of a beeping sound. And as the last kick was descending into my side...
I awoken within seconds and was brought back into reality. Well, I guess more of a less virtual reality. I looked around the room I was in, still a bit shooken up from my night- terror. I looked down at my alarm clock--which read 6:30--and turned it off. Silence filled the room, besides my heavy breathing.
It's not often that I have such vivid dreams like that, but I guess the bullying seems to be getting worse, so it makes more sense. Bullying is a daily routine for me. Not everyday it's the same, but most of the time it is. I guess it all just depends on how my tormentors are feeling that day. I don't even quite understand why I get bullied in the first place. I've never really done anything wrong to anyone, except tell a little white lie. But even then that was when I was little and lied about throwing away a metal spoon when in reality I said it was a plastic spoon. So, I don't really understand everyone else around me, but I guess I must've done something.
Unfortunately for me, today is the first day of my Junior year. Yeah, I'll only have one year left then I could up and leave and never look back, but the bad always out ways the good, because I'll have to deal with another two years of complete torture.
I slowly slipped out of bed, dreading the second that I'd have to walk through the doors to hell. Just the thought of it made me all queezy inside. I walked out towards the hall and into the bathroom only a few feet from my room. In there I do my morning routine, and I may or may not have taken an extra ten minutes in the shower just to stall my departure for school from happening any sooner. Because of that, I ended up running late.
I slipped out of the shower, ran into my room--with a towel on, of course--and quickly got dressed into a baggy, yet gripping, white v-neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my favorite white vans. I grabbed all that I needed to, fixing my hair up as I walked out the door and headed downstairs.
I planned on skipping breakfast since I expected to get beaten up later and I really didn't want to throw up in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone in school. That would be embarrassing. Therefore, that is why I am calmly and casually trying to sneak passed my mum, but that didn't work out as much as I wanted it to.

"Harry? Where do you think you're going?" I suddenly heard from behind me, and I stopped in my tracks. I spun around, slowly, giving my mum a very cheeky smile. This fool's her every time.

"Off to school, being a good boy. Where else?"

She gave me that look, you know, that one look that every parent has? Yeah, she was giving me that one, and it made me uncomfortable.

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