Chapter 11

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A/N Heller!!! Thanks for the reads even though they're low, but everyone of them counts. As you can tell, I'm posting a picture of the ultrasounds for every check-up to give it more of that emotional feeling. K, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

     Harry's P.O.V.

     Three months today. I've reached that point where I'm going to start showing. I'm already showing. I smile every time I pull my shirt back causing my tiny stomach to poke out. I've asked the doctor over the phone if I would be able to feel the baby move yet, but she said that it's still too early, but within a few weeks I'll be able to. I always rub my stomach and softly press down on it, and it scares me but also makes me excited to feel a tiny body resting peacefully in my belly.
     Everything has been okay between my mum and I after I had told her a few weeks ago. She was extremely shocked by my news and even did her research on it. Then she called my doctor to confirm anything, and she got all of the answers she didn't want. She doesn't hate me though, which is great, but she's still a little tense around me.
     She sat me down and gave me a three hour lecture on all of my options and what the outcomes would be for each of them. She told me that if I were to get an abortion that it would be quick and easy. That I could just move on and forget about it. But I didn't want to forget about it. How could I even forget about it? It's my first born and I'm pretty much killing it by getting an abortion. I could never forgive myself for something like that. So, off the spot, I immediately dropped that from the list.
     Then she told me about how the adoption procedures were going to go and what not. Then she got in depth with how it would be if I kept it. The money, the diapers, crying, less sleep--the list goes on. She almost had me with giving it up for adoption, but when I went up into my room and saw the ultrasound photos, I thought about keeping it once again.
     As the past weeks have gone by, Niall has been by my side at all times. Like all times. He'd make sure that I'm eating the proper foods and that no one messes with me and all the crazy things. He's always asking if I need anything straight after he had already asked. It's getting a bit annoying, but I know it's just Niall being the greatest friend ever.
     To be honest, he's acting as if the baby's his. He's there whenever I need him, he gets my crazy foods when I'm craving things, and sometimes when I'm not feeling well, he'd talk to the baby, asking them to be nice to their daddy. I always laugh every time he does that, but I also cry thinking that this could be Louis.
     Louis could be here putting up with my weird cravings and whinning. This could be Louis walking me through the halls, asking me if I needed anything, or in the cafeteria making sure I'm eating right. It could be Louis that's talking to our baby like it was already here. If only it was Louis...if only...
     I woke up early on Monday morning feeling extremely weird. It wasn't like a sick weird, but it was just...weird. I sat up in my bed and looked at the time to see that it was only five thirty. I sighed and looked down at my adorable little bump. I smiled as I glided my thumb over the bottom of my stomach. I was desperate to feel the baby move. I wanted to know what it would feel like to actually feel pregnant. I didn't really feel like I was even carrying a child inside of me. But now that I could see it, I'd like to feel it.
     I was startled by the sudden swing of my door. I looked up to see my mum standing there with bedhead and a bath robe on. She lazily smiled at me and yawned. And darn yawns being so contagious.

     "Morning darling." My mum said recovering from her yawn.

     "Morning mum." I replied as I continued on with my yawn.

    "It's early. What are you doing up?"

     "I just couldn't sleep, I guess." I replied, looking down at my bump where my hand still laid.

     My mum smiled and turned towards the stairs. "Well, I'm going to make breakfast. Wanna help?"

     "Sure." I said and pulled myself off of the bed and downstairs.

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