Chapter 13

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A/N Heller!!! How's everything going? Don't have much to say other than Merry Christmas and Happy birthday to Louis!!! Enjoy this chapter!! :p

Harry's P.O.V

"So he's okay with it?" Niall asked as soon as he sat down at the bottom of my bed, mouth full of peanuts.

I told Niall only a few minutes ago when I decided that I was going to invite him over. I haven't seen him in a few days. Not much has happened between Louis and I, and we haven't talked a lot either. I'm just thinking that he's still sinking into the sudden change.

"Yeah. I mean...he was very shocked and all, but he said he'd be there for us." I said, rubbing my now slightly bigger stomach.

"You actually think he'll be there? Harry, this is Louis Tomlinson we're talking about here. He's just trying to suck you up and then spit you out. He's done it before."

"Yes, Niall. I do believe that he'll be there. Maybe this is him realizing his mistake and is accepting the consequences. He has changed."

Niall chuckled and rolled his eyes, causing anger to spike up in me from the hormones. "You said he changed the week before he tricked you into having sex with him. He's manipulating you, H. Why can't you see that? He's going to make you believe that he's changed like last time then he's going to drop you like trash."

I scoffed at him and rose from my seat, anger already erupting inside of me. "Okay, I understand that you and him have bad blood, but he's the father of my child, Niall. You're going to have to deal with him. Why? Because he is going to be there. He is going to help raise this child, and he's not going to just drop me! I'm sorry you feel like I'm replacing you, but you can't be the hero to my every rescue."

"You think I'm jealous of him?!" Niall shot back as he rose to his feet. "Why would you think I'm jealous of him?"

"Because he's...he's...uh..."

"Exactly. So if anyone should be jealous of anyone, it's him. I've been there for you for so many years. And believe it or not I was even there for this baby as well. He didn't know about the baby before I did. He wasn't there when you found out and I was there to comfort you--he wasn't!"

"Niall, don't bring my baby into this." I said, my guard down.

"Your baby is the reason we're even in this mess!" I gasped at his response. "Since you decided to be stupid and not listen to your best friend and went off to fuck around with Louis, you ended up with a burden from Tomlinson."

His words brought tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. I can't believe that my own best friend would say such a thing. Especially about my baby. Who does he think he is? I know he was just trying to help, but that was not the way to go at all. He's supposed to be there for me and help me out when I need him most. He's not supposed to make me feel more stupid than I already feel. If he claims that he's really there for me then he'd support me with my decisions, but he's proven otherwise.

"Harry...I'm sorry. I didn't mea--" Niall started but was cut off.

"Get out." I replied, blankly.

"What? Harry, I said I was--"

"I said get out!" I shouted, not allowing myself to look at him.

He stood there, silence filling the room. He didn't say anything, and neither did I, but he accepted my commands. He shrugged and left the room without another word.
Once he left I collapsed onto my bed and covered my eyes. I let out a long loud sigh, rubbing my face. I sat up and made my way downstairs to find my mum staring at the door, shock evident on her face. She turned towards me when I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle then leaned against the counter.

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