Chapter 4

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A/N Heller!!! Sorry I haven't been updating. School is a bit hectic and all but I'll try getting it on weekends. Trust me, the action will start picking up next chapter. Okay dokay enjoy! :p

Harry's P.O.V.

     It's scary to think that the party was only a day away. It felt like yesterday that Louis had asked me to go with him. Niall still thinks this is all just a game, and he doesn't like the idea, but he's even scared to go. Neither of us have ever gone to a high school party before. We'll be Seniors next year and going to our first party. It's indeed very intimidating. Also, we're not the type of people that others would find a liking too. That's why Niall has a lot of enemies and I get bullied. I don't know what to expect.
     Lately I've been trying to think of something better, though. Louis has been absolutely amazing and I still think this is a dream. After two years of constant torture, being forced to love someone who will never love you back, it has finally disappeared. Every second with him has been amazing. He's so gentle with me and is always so close to me. I never found him one to want to be close with someone. Well, neither did I expect him to like me and to actually want to date me, but look what happened.
     I'm still not quite sure what we are. He always flirts with me, hugs me, and all, but he's never called me his boyfriend. Maybe he's waiting till after the party to call it official? Or maybe next week? I don't know, and it's making me anxious.
     I walked down the halls as casually as I normally do when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw some random person. I gave them a questioning look.

     "Um...hi. Is there something I could do for you?" I asked curiously.

     "Are you and Louis sleeping together?" She bluntly asked.

     I was taken back by her words and stared at her with surprise. " Why--why would you ask something like that?"

     "Because Louis wouldn't want to be seen with you unless he wants to show off his new fuck buddy."

      "W-what do you mean...?"

     "Louis hates you. He's clearly using you. This is sad. I can't believe you haven't caught on yet. I actually feel bad for you." And with that, she left.

     I turned back around and stared down at the floor as her words repeated in my head.
     "Louis doesn't want to be seen with you."
      "He's using you."
     "He hates you."
     I didn't understand why someone would say such a thing to me. I didn't even know who she was. Was she just jealous of me? Did she want to be with Louis? If so, she could've just said that instead of saying that. I didn't even know what to think anymore. I quickly made my way to locker in hopes that no one else would bring that up.
      Once I got there, Niall was leaning against the locker beside mine, texting on his phone. I angrily opened my locker, shoving my bag inside, and took out my Chemistry books. Niall noticed my change of attitude and put his phone away. He looked at me without talking until I was about ready to leave.

     "Harry. What's wrong this time?" Niall asked with hardly any emotion. He's so used to this.

     "What's wrong? Well I'll tell you what's wrong!" I bursted. I didn't even know I was that angry. Niall leaned against the locker, comfortably, awaiting my rant. "This random bitch walked up to me today and asked if Louis and I were sleeping together, and I said no. Then I asked why she'd ask me that. Then she said 'Louis wouldn't want to be seen with you unless he's showing off his new fuck buddy.' At that point I was getting angry, so I asked what she meant, and she said that Louis hates me and is using me. She feels bad for me..." At this point I was crying, and Niall rubbed my arm comfortingly. I cried for a few seconds longer before saying, "Why would she say that?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

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