Chapter 24

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Heller! This is one of the climaxes in the story. Yes, one. Meaning that there will be more, but don't worry. You'll love it! I just realized that this book is almost over...😭Thanks and enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

I don't think I've felt as broken before as I do right now. I've never cared this much for another human being other than myself. I've never cried this much since I could remember. I've never hurt so much telling Harry that we can't be together right now, but what hurts the most is knowing that my little girl was going to be given off to someone else, some random stranger.
I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to be with us where she belongs. I know that Harry has the right intention to be doing this, but I don't see why he would. He didn't think of this at all until his fucking dumb bitch of a counselor told him to. He never would've thought of this if it weren't for her. I know it's not the best thing to get mad at him for it, but he's still insisting that it's what he wants.
Now I know what you're thinking. You would've thought it'd be me who would instantly agree to this? Right? Well think again. I may seem like the type to just drop everything when it gets hard, but every since Harry and I got together--and even before that when I found out about Natty--I've wanted to be better. I made that promise to not only Harry and myself, but to Natty too. She is literally my everything, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She's my baby girl and my first child. I'd do absolutely anything for her. So if Harry wants to take her from me, I will fight, and I will win.
It took all of the power in me to not have Zayn or Liam kill Harry when they found out what he was planning. I was glad that they cared so much, but they didn't need to take it that far. Also, he's pregnant still. If they killed him now, they'd also kill Natty and then I'll kill them. But anyway, they stopped talking to him and Niall. Whenever they saw him in the hallway, they'd glare at him. I didn't really care because he deserved to feel guilty about his decision. He can't just force a baby on me just to take her away once I've grown attached to her. That is just plain cruel.
I continued to avoid Harry at all costs. We talked just like he wanted, so if he wanted to even come near me, he has to shout from a distance that he's decided to keep Natty. That sounds terrible, but until he cleans up this mess, I don't want anything to do with him. Whenever he tried to talk to me, I'd find a way to dodge it as soon as it happens. I do sound very rude for doing this, but it's his punishment. He deserves it.
I walked into school the next morning with no site of Harry. That could either be good or bad. I guess it all depends on how you look at it. I walked down the hallway with a few people staring at me. And for the one millionth time this week, Brianna walks up to me. I stop walking and stare at her with no emotion like the many times before.

"So, I've heard that you're finally done with that bloated whale. Is that true?" She asked, wrapping her hair around her finger.

"That he's a bloated whale? No. I think the term is pregnant." I said with sass as I tried to walk away.

"Well, if the other half is true, would you like to come over to my house tonight and have some fun?" She said, trying and failing to be seductive. I gagged at her and turned around.

"The last thing I'd want to do is get into your pants. Also, I have a child on the way, and I'd be damned if I ever let her near you. So if you don't mind, go suck a dick somewhere else and leave me alone." And with that, I turned around and walked off. No, I didn't own it like I normally would, but in my head I was slightly happier.

Throughout the day, I saw less and less of Harry. I was getting a little worried about that though. He could be having more Braxton hicks or something like that, and I don't really want him to be going through that at school. But I wasn't going to give up on this battle just yet. He has to be the one to fix this, not me.
I walked down the hall more towards the end of the day for my fifth period class. As I walked down and turned the corner, I saw Harry. It looked like he was breathing heavily while he rubbed his stomach. I hoped that everything was okay. It should be. It seemed that it was since he was still at school. I went to just walk around him when I saw that one Nick guy walk up to him. I stood in my place, stiff and ready to pounce. I watched as he stopped Harry from moving around him. I hopped that was all he was going to do, but it seemed that he had more plans than that.

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