Chapter 22

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Heller!!! Thank you all so much for the reads. The support is amazing. This chapter is dedicated to everyone reading this. Thank you all so very much! Enjoy! :p

Harry's P.O.V.

"Mum!" I shouted, lying in my bed with my shirt rolled up, my baby bump exposed. "Mum!" I shouted again when she didn't show up. I heard feet running up the stairs and soon my mum was walking into my room with a bowl of pancake mix in her hand.

"What is it this time, darling?" She had asked, catching her breath.

"She won't stop moving, and it really hurts!" I cried, rubbing the bottom of my stomach.

"I'm sorry, love. There's not much I could do about that." I said, reluctantly.

"Can you talk to her? Louis talks with her..." I whined, rolling onto my back.

"I'm really busy, darling. I'm hosting a business party and you know how important it is to me. Maybe have Louis come by after school, yeah?"

She then turned on her heel and left the room, leaving me alone to deal with this myself. I'm not that far and I'm not that big. I don't understand why I'm having such a hard time with this.
It's been like this all week. I've had to be checked out four times in the last few days, I've missed two full days and a whole butt load of homework. Niall and Louis have tried helping me catch up on everything, but I'm starting to fall way behind to the point that my mum was freaking out. All she wants is for me to graduate school, but at the rate I'm going at, I might have to go to summer school.
I huffed and sat up from my bed. I fixed my shirt as I stood up, walking towards the window where my phone was sat charging. I picked up my phone, going to the main screen--a picture of me and Louis at the baby shower/birthday party was the picture of my screen. I opened his contact and pressed the call button. He should be in free period right now. He usually sits outside during this time. Not that he's supposed to, but he does.
I waited only a few seconds before Louis picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" He asked.

"Louis!" I whined as I plopped back onto my bed.

Louis laughed on the other line and said, "What is it, love?"

"Your child." I said, grabbing the jar of peanut butter from my bed-side table, scooping some out with a spoon.

"Aw, is she being mean?"

"Yes...she won't go to sleep, she's made me go pee ten times in the last fifteen minutes, and I have had Braxton hicks after Braxton hicks after Braxton hicks!" I ranted, taking a spoonful of peanut butter into my mouth.

"Aw, my poor baby. I'm sure you're fine." Louis said, chuckling.

"You should come over and ground your child. She's been really bad."

"Since when did she become just my child? Last time I checked we made her together."

"When she's being bad, she's your child. When she's being an adorable little angel, she's mine." Louis laughed and sighed as I continued. "But are you coming over?"

"I plan on it, yes. I can't stay long though. I have work, and my step dad is coming home from a business trip, so...I'd kind of like to make sure no one gets hurt."

"Oh, Jesus, Louis. Please be careful. The last thing I need is for him to beat you up again." I cried, feeling another Braxton hicks come on.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Sorry, but I've got to go, but I'll see you straight after school, okay?"


"I...I--I love you." Louis stuttered.

I smiled brightly and giggled as I rubbed my stomach. "I love you too."

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