Chapter 2

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A/N Heller! So I'm only updating this now because I'm volunteering at a camp again, so I might not be able to update for next week. Hope you like it! Enjoy! :p caption on top is what niall looks like in the book and what type of friendship they have.

Harry's P.O.V.

    I can't stop thinking about what Louis said today. It all just didn't make sense. My body still tingles from his very touch. The places where he touched left a mark and it wouldn't stop burning. He's never done something like that towards me.
     It only surprised me more when he asked me to go to this party with him. It seemed like something from a dream, because never has he ever done more, or said more to me, than just a tease. So, this is all quite absurd, but I couldn't've been grateful for more.
     The only thing that was going to possibly ruin any chance I have with accompanying this said party with Louis, is the fact that Niall was invited, surprisingly, but I doubt that he'll ever say yes to going. I had invited him over later that day to talk to him about it. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy, but I was willing to try.
     There was a small wrapping on my door, with a little rhythm to it, and I knew it was Niall. I shouted, 'Come in!' and the door opened and soon closed. I looked up from my Chemistry homework and spotted one of my favorite people, besides Louis and my mum...and Ansle Elgort, but that's a different story. I smiled widely as he pranced onto my bed.

     "Hello, Mop head!"

     "Nice to see you too, Assface."

Niall cackled and snatched up my homework. "Ew. Science shit."

     "Actually," I said as I took my homework back and set it to the side. "It's Chemistry. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

     "So what is it that you want to talk about?"

     "Well, first off, you have to promise that you won't get mad at me,"

     "Okay?" Niall laughed nervously. I stared at him a few seconds longer. "I promise."

     "Okay, so...I was just in the halls today, reading my book when..."


     "When...Louis walked up to me."

     "Of course."

     "And, he was teasing me, like he normally does, but this time it was different." I stopped for a dramatic pause, and Niall crooked his eyebrow up. "Anyway, he asked me something...something I never thought he'd ask in like...a million years. It was just so...unexpected and spontaneous, and--"

     "Okay, are you gonna continue this poetic reading or are you gonna tell me what the hell he said?" Niall snapped and then laughed, jokingly.

     "Right, sorry." I cleared my throat, awaiting for what might or might not happen. "He asked me to...go to with...him? Saturday?"

     Niall's eyes widened to the point that they almost looked bigger than poole table balls, and his face turned red with anger. And this is what I was waiting for. I winced and curled into myself as soon as he started speaking.

     "Oh hell to the no!" Niall shouted as he stood up from the bed. "You know what he's trying to do here, Harry! He's done this with so many people, and now you! Please tell me you said no."

I tilted my head to the side with a hesitant grin on my face. I giggled a little, trying to seem cute and innocent, but it didn't work.

     "Oh god, you said yes." Niall said flatly.

     "I might've said something along those lines..."

     "Oh my god! Are you crazy?"

     "You want to know something even more crazy?"

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