Chapter 34

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Hello everyone! So, I've decided that there's going to be five more updates--including this one--of unexpectedly left. 😭 I'm just giving you guys a heads up, but if it makes you feel better, I'm making two epilogues, so that might make up for it? Anyway, it's not like this is the last book I'll ever write. There's still my other stories that are still very new, so it'll be a while before they come to an end. Okay, enough with the rambling. Enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

Today was indeed a very exciting day. Today was the day that literally everything was going to change not only for Harry and I, but for everyone in our life. Today was the day that I anticipated all this time. Today was the day I looked forward to the most. Today was the day that Natty was finally able to come home.
Now, this day would've happened sooner, but Harry didn't give birth naturally. Of course he couldn't, so he had a c-section. But if you have a c-section, you can't go home straight after. It took a week and a half, but Harry and Natty were both well enough to come home. It was very scary for us, but we were both also very excited. The main reason isn't because we're afraid to be alone with Natty, but because we had help from our parents and the nurses. This time, it's all on us. Harry will have Anne, but she said only go to her if it's serious because Harry and I needed to take full responsibility if we were going to keep our baby. We were perfectly fine with that, but it's just the thought that Harry and I are officially parents that scares us.
To be honest, I think that I was more excited than Harry was to finally bring her home. Not because he didn't want her to come home, but because he was very nervous. I could see why. We were teen parents taking on a whole new experience. But the good thing was that we weren't tackling it alone. We had our families and friends, yes, but what was most important was that we had each other.
While Anne helped Harry pack, I carefully got Natty dressed in her adorable yellow, pink and purple onesy. She had a tiny cap on her head to keep her little ears warm and a binky in her mouth to sooth her in her sleep. I didn't realize how tiny she really was until she was fully dressed and placed into her car seat. I knew Harry wanted to hold her when we made our way home, but just seeing it for the first time was...incredible. I smiled widely at her and pulled my phone out, taking a quick photo of her and posted it on Instagram.

Bringing home our little miracle! Can't wait for these crazy years with you, baby girl

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Bringing home our little miracle! Can't wait for these crazy years with you, baby girl. I love you, darling.

Once I was satisfied, I picked her back up and placed her on my shoulder, a small habit that I've developed. I turned to see Harry, looking much better than he has these last few days to a week. He was glowing, much like he was when he was pregnant with Natty. He looked happy and healthy, and I was just glad that everything turned out the way we were hoping it would. He then pulled out his phone and smiled, turning towards me with his Instagram opened up, the picture of Natty on his screen.

"She really is tiny, isn't she?" Harry said, walking over to me and rubbing Natty's back.

"She sure is. But she's healthy, so she's okay." I muttered, holding her up in front of us.

Unexpectedly: Larry Stylinson Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now