Chapter 35

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Heller! Thank you so much for everything. I know I say that a lot, but that's because I really am thankful for everything. So, unfortunately, the chapter after this one is going to be the last chapter plus two epilogues. This has been a great journey writing this story. It'd be the first one of my stories to be completed, and it's all thanks to you guys. I really couldn't have done this without you guys. Also, I am so sorry that this took so long to come about. I got my phone taken away, but I finally got it back. I will try to update my other stories as best and soon as I can. I'm kind of struggling with the others, but I am determined. Thank you all once again. Okay, check out my other stories and enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks into the summer and things couldn't be better. Louis and I have really enjoyed being parents, and our relationship is growing beautifully. I couldn't be happier right now than I've been in a long time. At first, I thought that this year (more really the last) was going to be terrible and I'd want nothing more than to leave it all. But things change and tables turn. I never would've believed anyone that told me that by the end of my Junior year would I be friends with my biggest enemies, dating the guy I've had a crush on for over two years and a father of a beautiful baby girl which I had with said boy. I wouldn't have ever believed that that would happen, but here I am, smiling and laughing down at my gorgeous daughter as the sun hung high in the beautiful summer sky.
I woke up quite early today, but I didn't mind much since I'd be spending this early morning with Natty. I've managed with her very well. It was hard the first two weeks, but then we caught onto a pattern of hers and a schedule, and now we know what to expect on an hourly basis. She's honestly a really good baby. There's not much stress coming from her which is good because I'm also taking summer courses so that I could be ahead of the game.
I don't plan on graduating early, but I do plan on having one less year in college. I've been getting involved with the online schooling a lot more recently, and I'm going to use that and my Senior year to get in that first year of collge done before I even graduate. The main reason I'm doing this is so that I could start working a lot sooner. I'd like to provide for my family as much as I could. I know that I won't be able to work for a while since I have to take care of Natty until she at least starts school, but if I can accomplish this goal, then I could start working as soon as I get out of college.
Speaking of college, I've applied to many colleges in the UK, mostly closer to London. The main one I'm shooting for is University of London, but if I don't get into that one, I'm hoping the furthest I'd have to go to is Cheshire. I still need help with Natty, so I'm trying to stay as close to home as possible. Louis, though, is still shooting for Manchester. I know that that's his dream school, but it's really far from here, and I don't want that to get in the way. But I am his boyfriend. I will support him in whatever he does. Even though it might cause problems, if you love them, you'd fight for them. That's exactly what I'll do if he does get accepted there. He was at least kind enough to apply to London as well, just in case.
After feeding Natty and getting her dressed for the day, I gathered her in my arms and made my way downstairs. I hummed as I smelt the delicious breakfast my mum was cooking as I walked into the kitchen. I sat down in one of the chairs after kissing my mum on the cheek and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"How's Natty doing?" My mum asked as she flipped a pancake.

"She's doing good. Now that I understand her a bit more, taking care of her is much easier." I replied, adjusting Natty in my arms.

"That's good, but don't jinx it. Remember, you still have her terrible two's to go through." My mum said, setting a plate in front of me.

I thanked her as I laughed, digging in as soon as I had the fork between my fingers. Seconds later, there was a knock at the door. My mum left the kitchen and greeted the person with a joyful tone. Just by her greeting, I knew who it was. I smiled before Louis walked into the kitchen gushing over how great the food smelt. He then looked over at me and smiled widely before kissing Natty on the head and taking her from my arms so that I could eat a bit easier.

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