Chapter 1

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A/N Heller! I see that a couple of people have read my book so far, and I'm glad for that. I really don't have much to say this time, but enjoy! :p Dedicated to AngeliqueThomas8 for spotting my auto correct mistake. I swear my phone won't type like anymore because it wants to type Luke.

Louis' P.O.V.

     Ah, Junior year! A fresh start to learning, making friends, and a hell of a lot more sex. To be honest, I haven't even slept with that many people. All together, I've slept with a total of two boys and three girls. Everyone just puts it out there that I sleep with everyone. Well, I don't. That's a lie. But I do date...or "date" a lot of people. They don't normally last long, no longer than a month, because there's always someone out there that I plan to take advantage of next. And before you jump to conclusions, no I don't sleep with the people I date. Otherwise I'd probably have an STD. So, what I do is limit myself to a few specific people to sleep with, then I go on a rampage with the people I choose to date.
     It's rare that I end up dating a person twice, but just so I don't get an STD, I tend to sleep with the same people. Unless there's an exception. Also, before you ask, yes I am bisexual. But no one else needs to know about that. I tell them that I only sleep with guys for the image. To be honest--wow, I've said that a lot-- I prefer guys over girls, but I've only slept with more girls to make me look less suspicious.
     So here I am with one of my "girlfriends", snogging like there's no tomorrow. She traces the back of my neck with her fake acrylic nails, while sucking on my bottom lip. At this point all I could taste is her disgusting lipstick. Some people would think that kissing was fun, but so far I've absolutely hated it. I only enjoy the arse grabbing and what not, but this little slut only wants to drown me with her tongue.
     Having enough of her, I softly pushed her away and held her wrists in my hands. She looked at me with slight confusion, but then I gave her a sad smile.

     "I don't think this is working out." I said as politely as I could without gagging from the taste of her dumb lipstick in my mouth.

She looked utterly heartbroken, but I feel no guilt. "But why? I-I thought we were doing f-fine."

     "We were, but...I'm just not feeling it, and it would be rude of me to lead you on.'re also a really, really, really bad kisser." Her expression looked quite affended, but all I did was shrug with a slight smirk. "Still wanna be friends?" Not even seconds after I had said that, there was a stinging sensation taking over my right cheek. I turned my head back to her as I watched her storm off.

     "Oh, I see how it is!" I shouted down the hallway. "Bitch."

     "Wow, that's new. They normally don't slap you after you tell them they're bad kissers. What a surprise."

I turned to the side to see my two best friends, Liam and Zayn. We've been friends for almost five years now and I couldn't ask for anyone else.

     "Well hello to you too."

     "What's happened to you?" Liam asks. "You only dated her for a week. Whatever happened to a month?"

     "That just proves how bad of a kisser she is. But," I stated loudly.

     "Oh no." Zayn said.

     "I've got my eye on someone else."

     "Oh really? Who's the lucky girl this time?" Liam asked, leaning against the lockers beside me.

     "It's not a girl."

     "Oh..." Both of the boys said at the same time in surprise. "Who then?"

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