Epilogue Part 1

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Thank you all so so very much for everything that you've done! This has been so much fun, and I can't wait to experience this feeling with the rest of my books. I am so grateful to have these many people read my stories, vote, share and comment. I thank you all for the support and for giving me the drive to continue this story. It has been a blast writing it, and I can't believe it's coming to an end. It's such an accomplishment, but I am definitely going to miss writing this story. I also had no idea that I'd love writing Mpreg so much. I'm definitely going to write another one like this. (Mpreg, I mean.) Don't worry though. I still have my other three stories for you to read, Friends with Benefits, Therapy, and Larry Stylinson one shots. Please help get those stories as far as this story has. Sorry for the rambling. I just wanted you all to know how grateful I am. Dedications go to ignatiahanie larrymof0s larrys_games because you've all been so nice and supportive and vote and comment on my stories literally every update. You guys physically pushed me to where I am now. Thank you guys so much. Now, without further ado, here is the epilogue part 1! Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

I never realized how fast time flies until I woke up one early morning to the sun shining into my room and birds chirping outside of my window. I blinked my eyes a few times before standing up and stretching, taking in the glow from the outdoors. Then everything hit me like a ton of bricks. Louis and I are both eighteen, we're about to graduate school in a couple of days, and my little girl's birthday is today. She's finally one years old. I smiled widely at that and ran out of my room down to the nursery. I slowly opened the door and crept in with a smile on my face. It only got wider as I saw Natty begin to jump up and down in her crib and squeal as I entered her room. I walked over to her crib and squealed much like she did, the both of us continuing that back and forth.

"Happy birthday!" I shouted, happily, raising my hands up, causing her to get even more excited. I laughed at her and picked her up into my arms and kissed her all over her face. "You, miss thang, are in need of a diaper change!" I said in a funny voice, causing her to giggle and lightly grab at my nose as I kissed her again.

Natty had grown into a beautiful little toddler with long curly hair and dashing blue eyes. She's still pretty small for a one year old, but the doctor said that she'll grow with time. I didn't mind too much. I loved having her so small. She's also such a fast learner. She was crawling at eight months and walking at eleven. Most people would think that she's much older to have learned so quickly, but I just told them that she's just very smart. She's also very shy and sweet. She's not as annoying as most people would say, and she loves playing with other babies. Danny more specifically, but she loves playing with her papa even more. Though she looks more like me, she acts more like Louis, and I find it hilarious when they have their tiny arguments over stupid little things. I've recorded almost all of them.
Speaking of Louis, he and I are doing absolutely amazing! We've honestly never been better and stronger as a couple. We're circling around to our two year anniversary, and so far life has just been good. Louis found a better job at the fitness center, teaching kids how to play football. He's moved up in the ranks and gets paied really well. I still have yet to get a job since I'm still watching Natty, but I've managed to get enough credits to have graduated early and get a few credits in for next year. Now, all I have to do is take two more required classes for a semester, and by the next year, I'd be able to get studying straight into my career choice. Another thing that made me so happy was that I was accepted into London University! Now I'm just waiting to find out where Louis' going. I knew that his heart was set on Manchester, but I hope he also gets accepted into London, too.
Once I had changed Natty into a cute birthday girl onsie and skit, and put her hair up after brushing it, I made my way downstairs to see my mum in the kitchen making breakfast. She beemed when she saw Natty and I enter.

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