Chapter 16

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A/N Heller! More drama, but it won't be that bad. Please tell me what you think of the story and your ideas on baby names for either gender...or just one. Enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

I ended up staying out on the field for over two hours that day. I couldn't find myself leaving and seeing Harry with that guy angain, but as the weeks went by up until the day before winter break, that guy that I now know as Nick Grimshaw--one of my enemies--and Harry have been talking and hanging out a lot. I can't control the anger and pain that I feel whenever I see them together. It really pissed me off that he got mad at me for kissing another person when there he is pretty much doing the same thing. I really hope they're not kissing. That would really tear me apart.
But what tears me apart more is that I actually like him. I have developed very strong feelings for the boy having my baby. Maybe I've always liked him and I've just realised that I have all along. At first I thought I'd be happy to feel like this towards him, but my heart's only breaking as the days pass by.
Every time I see him, rubbing his belly and smiling, I can't help but smile as well. But then I see him with Nick and my body fails and I'm suddenly on my knees, praying that what I'm seeing isn't true that he might like him as well.
I managed to hang out with him a few times, just the two of us, but all that we talked about was the baby. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about our baby, but I'd like to have a more serious conversation about us and the thing he's got going on with Nick. I get scared to ask though, for many reasons, including that he might actually like Nick. I don't like thinking of that at all but it's all that seems to be going through my head.
I woke up the morning of the last day of school before winter break. I should be happy, but I couldn't find myself being that way. But what I was really excited for was that one: we're finding out the gender of the baby today, and two: it's my seventeenth birthday tomorrow. I hated the fact that our break started really close to Christmas, but I don't really care. Today I'm finding out the gender of my baby and I'm spending the day with Harry, so I'm just going to be happy with what I've got.
I finished getting ready and made my way out the door when I was stopped by my little sister, Felicity. I looked at her with tired eyes, waiting for her to start talking.

"Is this yours?" She asked, holding up the gift I got for the baby.

I took it from her held it close to me, not wanting it to get ruined. "Where'd you find it?" I asked, my morning voice still prominent.

"I found it in the laundry room, thinking that it was probably one of the little one's, but then I read it and kind of figured it was yours." She said, smiling nicely.

"Yeah..." Is all I said.

"Louis?" She asked and I looked up at her. "When do we get to meet Harry? I mean, we've known of him for months and he's having my niece or nephew. I just thought it would be nice to finally meet him." She said, moving her hair out of her face.

"Oh, yeah...I don't know just yet. I could ask him if you want?" I offered and she smiled.

"Okay, well I'll see you after school." Then she was off.

I entered the school building, finding myself walking towards Harry's locker. I was glad to see that Nick wasn't there but Harry seemed sad, and that wasn't good at all. I rushed over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, asking if he was okay. He shook his head and whipped a tear away before it could slip down his cheek.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" I asked, my voice calm and sweet.

He nodded, not saying anything quite yet. "Not here..." He whispered through some quiet sobs. I nodded and lead him outside into the cold. Thankfully, both of us were wearing jackets. He stood there, rubbing his stomach when he finally spoke up.

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