Chapter 25

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Hello! Thanks so much for the reads! I can't believe that the end of this book is nearing! It's making me so sad! 😭 but if there's a story you'd like me to write (Larry, Niam, Lashton, Zouis, ect) I could try it out. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! ✌

Louis' P.O.V.

"Does your back hurt?"

"A little--"

"Here, I'll adjust the pillow."

"Louis, I'm fine--"

"How about your feet? Do you need me to rub them?"


As quickly as I had asked, I grabbed a hold of one of his sock clad feet and rubbed gently at his foot. Ever since Harry has gotten out of the hospital, I've been by his side at all times. Call me clingy but after what happened, I honestly never want to experience that again. We got lucky this time, but maybe if there is a next time, we won't be so lucky.
Harry has been doing good for the past week, but he hasn't been able to go to school. I understand how much it means to him to graduate, so I went to all of his classes everyday that he missed, then got a miney lesson on how to do them, then came home and taught Harry what he has to do. And if he still isn't able to go to school the next day, then I'd just turn in the work for him instead.
When it comes down to our relationship, we're a little bumpy, but nothing we can't repair from. I was--I admit--a bit harsh on him. I shouldn't want to break up with him just because he was having second thoughts about keeping the baby. I wasn't even wanting to break up with him. I just needed a break. I love Harry way too much to end what we have now.

"Seriously, Louis, I'm fine. If I wasn't, I'd tell you." Harry said as he pulled his feet from my hands.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you uncomfortable or in pain." I replied, resting my chin on his knee.

"Trust me, Lou, I'm quite comfortable. You know, with how many pillows I have right now. Pain, though, is bound to happen, but I'm not in pain right now, so don't worry. Okay?" I nodded and laid the rest of my head on his leg. He leaned down and kissed the mess of hair up in my head. "I love you anyways."

I laughed and kissed his knee. "I love you too."

A few hours passed and I had to leave, unfortunately. I got up from Harry's bed and kissed him until we were both out of breath. Then, I gathered my things and left my boyfriend's house. I walked home in the cool winds, pondering on the many thoughts going through my head. For once, I wasn't stressed or mad. I wasn't in pain or suffering. I was okay. For once in a long time, I was okay.
I walked into my house to find it dead silent. That wasn't normal. It's only seven twenty. Usually there's some type of sign that someone lives here. I called out for my mum and siblings. There weren't any responses. I walked around the house in search of any signs of life, but found nothing on the first floor. I began to panic and ran upstairs, screaming at the top of my lungs. I went into each of their rooms and found no one. The last place I checked was mine. I stopped in my place when I saw him. My step father. He was standing by the new miney nursery on the opposite side of the room from my bed. He was looking at the pictures on my desk and holding a small stuffed animal I got for Natty. I got all tense and cleared my throat. He turned around and smiled, setting everything back.

"Oh, there he is. Where have you been?" He asked, walking over to me.

"Where's my family?" I asked, worry rising in me.

"Chill, they're out shopping and went for dinner. They figured you'd be at your little boyfriend's house longer than usual considering...previous events." He answered, taking a seat on the end of my bed.

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