Chapter 5

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A/N Heller everyone! Not much to say this time, but I dedicate this chapter to peetas_my_baby for all of the votes and comments. Thank you so much chica! Enjoy :p

Harry's P.O.V.

His lips on mine was by far the greatest feeling anyone could even dare to absorb. The way he cradled my hips, pressing me extremely close to him erupted more than butterflies from me. He was just too much for me, but I couldn't help but want more. We'd only been a "thing" for a week, yet I feel like it's lasted many years. There's nothing I love more than him, and there will be nothing more.
But unfortunately, my beautiful thoughts of Louis had to be interrupted when I had remembered that the party was tonight. Tonight! What was I going to do? I still have nothing to wear, Niall had decided that he doesn't want to go with me anymore, and I'm going to my first high school party! This was way too much. I knew absolutely nothing about parties, let alone what to do at one. I know not to drink or anything like that, but what if someone walked up to me and started talking to me? Not like that would happen because, it's me of course. What if Louis leaves me in a small room with other people that I don't know? So many questions ran through my head. I was probably over thinking it, but you'd understand if you were in my position.
I woke up very early that day, way too scared to sleep in. The nerves were becoming too much that I felt sick to my stomach. As I was about to get up, there was a knock at my door. I mumbled a 'come in' and my mum opened the door. She smiled at me, closing the door behind her, sitting at the end of my bed.

"Morning honey, you excited? Today's the big day." She said enthusiastically.

" excited...I might be sick." I laughed, half-heartedly.

"Oh, Harry. You're just nervous. Besides, you've got Louis right?"

"Yeah...but he also has his friends, and I don't want to be a leach."

My mum laughed softly and shook her head with amusement. "Don't worry so much and remember to have fun. Also," Her fun, bubbly expression went serious, and she had my full attention. "Please don't let Louis try anything with you, okay?"

"Mom, don't worry. I'm not that stupid. I have boundaries."

"I know. I trust you. I just don't trust him."

I laughed slightly and rolled out of bed. "Oh, mum."

Later that day, I was lazy, not really doing much. I was still too scared of the thought that things could backfire tonight. I don't want Louis to hate me and I definitely don't want to lose him. He's pretty much all I've got, besides Niall, but he's not talking to me right now. I just wanted everything to go as planned and not have it be the worst night of my life. I have to stop over thinking it, but it's too hard not to assume the worst.
I was once again brought out of my thoughts when my phone began to ring. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering who it could be. I sat up from my bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and smiled when I saw the caller ID. I answered the phone and held it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"Hey, love. How are you?" Louis asked, a smirk clearly on his face.

"I'm doing good. Really nervous, though."

"Oh, why?" He said, concern clear in his voice.

"Because of the party tonight."

There was a pause on the other end, and I swear Louis quietly swore. "Right, I guess I forgot. No need to be nervous, babe. It's's just a stupid party. Nothing more."

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