Chapter 6

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Hello everyone!!! It's been a while but I promise I won't give up on this story. I got my phone taken away so It won't be often that I write but I'll try my best. Okay enjoy!!!

Louis' P.O.V.

     I've never felt so crude. I've never felt so filthy. I've never felt anything, really, so that's why I'm standing here, regretting ever sleeping with Harry. I feel something. Its powerful and overwhelming, and it's all my fault. I've actually felt Harry and he's so fragile, and I've broken him. I will break him. Guilt is like a thousand pound weight being dropped onto your chest. There's no way of lifting it off or getting rid of it. I feel guilty for ever sleeping with Harry Styles.
     The plan had completely backfired, and all I could ask for is to go back in time and wish that I had never come up with that idea. I'd never thought that I'd develop any type of feelings towards anyone, but along came Harry and now I'm drowning in lust and happiness and joy because of this boy.
     I've slept with many other people. Why is he any different? I've touched other people the way I've touched him. Why do I feel any different? But that's the thing. I've realized over the last week that Harry is much different than all of them. He's sweet and shy and he always has a heart out for anyone. That could be good or bad.
     Now that I think about it, I waited for Harry. I went at his pace and did as he wanted, yet he still ended up pleasing me. Everyone else I've ever been with was all about sex. Just that--to get it over with. But Harry...he wanted love. He was willing to wait for love and I took that from him. I took the most precious thing from him. Now...I've got to break his heart.
     I walked into school late on Monday morning, trying my best to avoid Harry. I didn't want the whole school to go crazy over something Harry and I did, so I'm hoping he'll get the hint that I don't like him...nope. Not at all.
     I made it to my locker without any problems, but I still was on edge. I was contemplating ever even telling my friends that I had gone through with the plan, and I was debating if I should just end it right now with Harry or to just wait. I figured that I should just hold this out for a month and then end it, make it seem like it didn't work out between us, but everyone already knows what my original plan was. I can't let them think I've gone soft. My reputation would be ruined.
     I pulled out my book for my first period, ignoring everyone around me. It wasn't until I heard teasing from the students around me that I knew Harry was down the hall. For some odd reason, my heart began to quicken and I got extremely nervous. Its make it or break it. In this case...I've got to break it.
     I looked to my left and saw Liam and Zayn approaching me, and to my right was Harry. I've got to do it now. I turned away from my friends as they made their way to my side and faced Harry, who was only a few feet away. I began to walk towards him and prepared myself for the destruction I was about to cause. Harry smiled brightly at me and I willed myself to not smile back. I held an irritated glare, hoping he'd see that I'm not talking to him for good reasons. His smile immediately disappeared from his face. All of a sudden the hall went quiet, and it was just me and Harry.

     " something wrong, Lou?" He asked quietly.

     Don't fall for it Louis.

     "Yes, Harry. Something is wrong. And wouldn't you like to know?" I said, rudely.

     "Lou, what's going on?" He asked, confusion filling his voice.

     "Don't call me that." Harry got very tense, and held the slightest fear. All I did was laugh, but it still broke my heart. "Wow, I can't believe you actually fell for it."

     "Louis, I-I don't understand..."

     "This," I motioned between us and all around. "This was just a joke. All of it." Harry's breath caught in his throat and tears brimmed his eyes. "Did you really think that this would ever happen between us? Hell, even with anyone?"

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