Chapter 8

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A/N Heller!!! Another update!! I'm on a roll! I hope you are enjoying this book. Please comment and vote. Dedication goes to @peetas_my_baby thanks for the comments, votes, and support. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

     My stomach churned as I released last night's dinner into the toilet for the one millionth time over the past two weeks. It's only gotten worse and I have no idea why. At first I thought it was just a stomach ach or a bug, but as the weeks went on, I seem to always be in the bathroom.
     A few days ago, my mum had decided that I'd be seeing a doctor. I tried to tell her that it'll pass but she didn't believe me and went on and scheduled the appointment anyway. My appointment was Friday and I wasn't too happy about it. I've never liked the doctors. It gave off that creepy sense to it. I lied in my bed throughout the week and trudged through school as the day approached.
     I pulled myself out of the bathroom and collapsed onto my bed. My head was throbbing and stomach wrenching. I honestly felt like I was dying. I've never been in this much pain before. At least not without a rational reason.
     There was a light tapping on my door and my mum walked in. She smiled at me sweetly and sat beside me on my bed.

     "Hey, honey. Feeling any better?" She asked, stroking my cheek.

     "No...I feel like shit." I replied with a flinch as my stomach pains came back.

     "Are you not going to school today?"

     I shook my head, afraid that if I spoke I'd throw up.

     "Okay then. Get some rest. I'll make you some soup." With that, she kissed my temple and left me alone in my room.

     I lied there for who knows how long. My mum brought in the soup about an hour ago and I still hadn't finished it. I curled in on myself and cried from how much I was in pain. I clenched the side of the bed and whined into it, feeling that urge to throw up. I rushed out of my room, barely making it to the toilet when everything spilled out. I was in there for maybe five minutes when there was a knock at the door. I didn't respond. I could slightly hear my mum speaking to someone. Then the door opened and in walked Niall. I was happy to see him, but the pain kind of hid that emotion.
     I looked up at Niall through watery eyes and gave him a small smile before I was vomiting again. Niall, being the best person on earth, held my hair back and rubbed my shoulders, soothingly. Once I was finished, Niall dragged me out of the bathroom and back into my room. I lied on my bed in silence with Niall by my side. Finally, Niall broke the silence.

     "I heard you're seeing a doctor today." Niall said, rubbing my back.

     "Yeah. I'm not too happy about it, but at least I'll find out what's wrong with me." I whimpered.

     " asked where you were today." Niall stated.

     Ever since the fight, Louis hasn't spoken to either me or Niall. At first I thought it was because he finally realized that he should leave me alone and not mess with Niall, but he still occasionally glanced at me in class or the halls. I wasn't sure if he was mocking me or something, but sometimes he'd smile so nicely that I had to smile back. But I found it strange that after all this time, when I'm no where to be found, Louis talks to Niall. What's even more strange was that he asked about me. Had he actually noticed that I wasn't at school today? Did he really care?

     "Oh really...was he mad that he didn't get a chance to hurt me today?" I mumbled.

     " No, he wasn't. Um, he actually seemed worried. I told him that he had no right to ask about you but I told him anyway."

     "What'd he say?" I eagerly asked.

     "He just nodded and said okay. Then he walked away. He didn't look happy but he didn't look sad either. I don't know. He's way too confusing and I'm not wasting my time on it."

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