Chapter 17

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A/N Heller I'm glad that people are still reading this story even if the reads are low I'm thankful for those who keep reading. Dedication goes to peetas_my_baby once again for the votes and comments. I really appreciate it. Okay, enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

Natalie, Aleah, Juliet, Adelaide, Olivia, and Lilly-May. I couldn't find myself choosing any of them. I love them all, but I couldn't decide. I figured I should wait until Louis was over here to help me choose. Louis' sisters begged for my number, so I had no choice but to give it to them, but it came in handy for choosing a name. Daisy wants to name the baby Juliet because she felt that it was more elegant. Phoebe wants to name the baby Adelaide because she thought it was the prettiest out of them all. Lottie wants to name her Natalie because she thinks that Natalie works for either last name. And Felicity wants to name her Olivia because she felt that it fits the British culture more. Jay likes Aleah and my mum likes Lilly- May. I was literally torn in all directions. Each one of them want a different name, and I don't even know what one I really want. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought.
Lately, while I was trying to clear my mind about the names, I took Louis and his sister's out on a shopping spree for our little girl with the check that Louis got us. Each of the girls got to choose three out fits each, and Louis and I got around the same. We got all of the basic needs for a baby such as nappies, bottles, pacifiers, bath tub, towels, etc. We luckily had enough money by the time we were done shopping and had some money left over, so we took them out for lunch. We discussed the baby names again and we still couldn't narrow anything down quite yet, but I thought it would be best to put it off for a little bit.
Winter break has been going by really slow. We celebrated Louis' birthday and Christmas during that following weekend. It was nice combining families for the holidays. It felt very warm and complete. Not to mention, even though the baby already has so much things, she got a lot more presents from her aunts and grandparents. Louis seemed more at ease since his step dad was out at work all through that day. I could understand why, and I never want to experience that again.
I laid in my room sketching out a small portrait of my baby. I had had a dream of her and what she looked like and I had to sketch it while it was still fresh in my mind. She was small like Louis, and she had brown fuzzy hair with little curls on the ends. Her eyes were in the same shape as mine, but the color was still faded so we wouldn't know the color just yet. She was the perfect mixture of Louis and I. Our perfect little angel.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a light rapping at my door. I looked up as the door opened to reveal my best friend, Niall. He was in Ireland for a few days for Christmas, so this was going to be his first time hearing of the gender news. I got up from my bed and embraced him in a nice warm hug. He was careful of my stomach, but squeezed me just as much. We pulled away from each other and smiled. I lead him over to my bed and sat down. I couldn't wait to tell him.

"So, how was Ireland?" I asked, rubbing my bump.

"It was good. Very cold, but it was great to see my family again. Even though I saw them only a few months ago." He smiled and patted my stomach. "How's the little munchkin treating you?"

"Oh, great. We actually know the gender now." I said smiling at his reaction.

"Right! I forgot about that appointment you had. Wow, so what is it?" He asked, all of his attention on me.

I rolled over to grab the ultrasound photos and one of the outfits we got her and showed them to Niall. He looked at the photos first and smiled at the very visible baby then he held up the outfit that was a pale yellow that said, "Daddy's little girl". He smiled and hugged me, congratulating me.

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