Chapter 36

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Thank you all so so very much for everything that you've done. I wouldn't be this far without you guys. Please help my other stories get as far as this one, if not farther. Thank you all so so much. Enjoy! P.S. this is the last chapter before the two epilogues. 😭

Harry's P.O.V. *Three months later*

This has been by far the best summer of all time. Not only were Louis and I going back to how we were, I spent most of it with friends and family, I enjoyed watching Natty and Danny interact together for the first time, and I managed to get three credits over the summer. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it was all worth it.
The only thing that is making this a sad end to our beautiful summer was that I had to go back to school. It is my last year and all, but that also meant that I'd have to be away from Natty almost all day for nine months. Yes, I'd see her in the mornings, mid-day and at the end of the day, but I'm used to seeing her all day everyday. This is going to be the hardest thing ever, but I'm glad and entirely grateful that my mum was able to bring work home so that she could watch Natty while I'm at school.
Speaking of Natty. She is now three months old. Louis and I cried when we realized how fast she was going to grow up, but we were also so very happy to see that she was healthy, happy and beautiful. She's always been beautiful, but now it's radiating off of her. Like we've all predicted, she does have the tiniest curls on her head, but you'd have to be up close to see it. Her eyes are a lighter shade of blue now and her dimples are popping out more than they ever have considering she smiles so much now. She's still such a tiny baby, but that was fine with me. I wanted her to stay as tiny as she could for as long as she could. I didn't want her to sky rocket on me. That's why I'm praying that she got Louis' short gene. I wanted her to be small forever.
I was currently sitting in my living room with Natty in my arms while I watched T.V. I didn't have to be to school till seven forty-five, and it was currently six fifty, so I was going to spend as much time with Natty as I possibly could. It'd be a few hours before I could see her around lunch then when school let's out. Hopefully this week goes by fast so that the weekend would approach sooner.
The show I was watching was interrupted when there was a knock at the door. Natty squeaked when she heard it, causing me to smile widely. I got up from the couch and walked towards the door. Standing there, on the other side, was the one and only Louis Tomlinson. I smiled sweetly at him as he lifted his eyebrows up and leaned against the door frame. I couldn't help but laugh from how goofy he was being. I leaned over and kissed him, it being cut short when Natty squeeled, flaring her arms out and kicking her legs. Both of us laughed at how adorable she was being.

"Hey, pumpkin! How's my little girl?" Louis said, taking Natty from my arms. All she did was attempt to make noises as best as she could and smiled widely at her papa. "I missed you, darling." Louis said, walking into the house when I moved out of the way. "So, are you ready to go back to school?"

I sighed as I sat down beside Louis on the couch. "No...usually I wouldn't mind going back to school, but I had Natty and now...well, you know. I'm hardly going to see her as much as I'd like to." I whimpered, rubbing circles over her tiny feet while she played with Louis' fingers.

"Yeah, I understand. But you'll get to see her during lunch too. It's not like you'd go a full seven to eight hours before seeing her." Louis stated, making me feel slightly better about the situation.

"I know. I just don't want to. I'd take online classes, but I need elective credits, so I have no choice." I said barely above a whisper.

Louis cooed at me as I looked down at Natty with a pout. He then wrapped one arm around me after he placed Natty between the both of us, sitting nicely on our thighs. "You're going to be okay. I promise you that. It's just one more year, but remember...we still have college."

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