Chapter 12

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A/N Heller!!! How is everyone? Good? Bad? Let me know what you think of this story. I'm really excited about this one. Also please check out my other book Repentance. It's a Lashton Fanfic. Harry's belly at the top. Thank you so much, enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

Harry is pregnant. He's pregnant with my baby. How is this possible? I'm still taking in all of that information. To be honest, I'm having mixed feelings about this. I mean I am very stressed right now with the idea that he and I are going to be raising a child together when we're supposed to be off to Uni in less than a year, two at most. But then I get all jittery inside just thinking about how gorgeous Harry is going to look when his cute baby bump is on display, and how beautiful our baby is going to be. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I already know I'm going to love it very much.
I literally cried when I got home just looking at the three months ultrasound. It's so small and barely anything, but it's our baby. And I've never thought that I'd actually be happy about this at all. I didn't think I'd be happy having Harry be the father of my child. I didn't think I'd be happy period. But there is a downside to all of this. My reputation.
If I show that I care about Harry and this baby, they're going to think I'm ready to settle down and get a job and be a cute little family with Harry and our baby. How am I supposed to uphold that image if I'm trying to be a responsible adult? Adult? God, this baby isn't even born yet and I'm already using that phrase. I don't know what I'm going to do. Everyone already knows he's pregnant because of what happened in the hall, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that it's mine. Not just by how I pulled him out of the building when I found out, but because they all know of the scam I did by sleeping with Harry. They all know he hasn't slept with anyone else, so they've already got a good amount of evidence. I can't clear up the name, but maybe I could make them think I got him pregnant on purpose just to make high school worse for him. But in reality, I know I didn't mean it, and I don't what to leave him. I don't know what I'm going to do about both beside a wait it out and see what happens.
I went to school the following morning feeling smaller than I've ever felt. The whole school's eyes are on me, but I don't like it like how I used to. They're eyes aren't on me because I won the football game for our school, or because I held the greatest party of all time. No, it's because I got a boy pregnant and that boy is Harry Styles. I didn't know if I should feel proud of that or not. I shook it off and made my way to my locker.
When I got there, Liam and Zayn were stood there with their arms crossed. They didn't look very happy. I smiled at them as I opened my locker and didn't say a word.

"You want to explain something, Tomlinson?" Zayn said with a sassy tone.

"What is there to explain?" I asked, not wanting this topic to be brought up at the moment.

"You know exactly what needs to be explained." Liam shot back. "What the hell happened yesterday?!"

I slammed my locker closed, causing some people to look over at us, which isn't something I need right now. "Look, things happen okay? I was being stupid and careless and tricked Harry into sleeping with me. Then--since we all know karma's a bitch--he was somehow able to get pregnant and did! It's mine! I got him pregnant! There's really nothing much to it. Yeah he's a boy and that's strange, but who fucking cares?! What happened yesterday and a few months before and even now is between me and Harry, okay? So stay the hell out of it!" I took a deep breath after ranting to my friends. I know I'm not the one who is pregnant, but I've been having some serious mood swings lately.

They took a cautious step back and shook they're heads. I knew they were mad and confused, but they had no right to get into my business. If I wanted to talk to them about it, I would. But until then, they need to stay out of it.

"Jesus, man. I know this is a big jump for you, but no need to be an ass about it." Zayn said turning away and walking down the hall.
I sighed heavily and rubbed my temples. I looked up at Liam and he shook his head as well, more offended that I struck out on them like that. I reached out to him but he flicked and walked away, leaving me to drown in the sea of regret and anger. I heard people whispering around me, and it was clearly about what just happened. So, I sneer at them and shout. "What they hell?!" They immediately stop their conversations. I shake my head and make my way to the toilets.
I turn the corner and barge in there to see none other than Harry leaning over the sink, cupping his tiny belly, eyes clenched shut and breaths heavy. Worry and fear shoots throughout me and I rush over to his side.

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