Chapter 10

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A/N Heller!! Thanks to the people who have been reading this book. It's the only thing that really keeps this book going. Love to you all, enjoy!!!

Harry's P.O.V.

     A very terrible feeling arose in my stomach as I stared down at the ultrasound, thinking of how I was going to tell Niall. I had many ideas, but none of them seemed to fit the moment. They didn't feel right. I rubbed my stomach with a gentle motion as the ideas piled into my brain. How to put to not be as blunt...Should I be straight forward with it? Should I give off hints? This is Niall we're talking about. He couldn't solve a puzzle if his life depended on it.
     To be honest, telling Niall is the least of my worries. I still have to tell my mum...and Louis. Also I still have to make the decision if I'm keeping it or not. That one is a lot scarier than telling all three of those people. This decision is the decision that'll change my life forever...for better or for worse. Unfortunately, I had no idea which one would hold the good outcome.
     My thoughts came to an abrupt stop when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up from my bed and opened the door to reveal my mother. She was smiling and motioned to downstairs. Niall must be here. I nodded and gathered my things and made my way downstairs. Once I made it downstairs, I saw Niall leaning against the door frame. I smiled and made my way over to him. He smiled as I approached him and we headed out to school.
     There was a tense silence between us. Maybe it was because I was thinking so much and I knew that I was going to tell him something very important. I became slightly nervous as we approached the school. I didn't make eye contact with anyone as we stepped into the school grounds, not even Niall.

     "Hey, are you okay?" Niall asked as we stopped on the sidewalk in front of the school entrance.

     I hesitated, looking anywhere but at him. I nodded at first but then there was a pain shooting from my stomach and I winced. I knew nothing was wrong, but Niall thought otherwise.

     "Dude, I'm serious. Tell me what's wrong. You've been acting this way for weeks. Didn't your stomach flu go away?" Niall pestered.

     That's when I knew I  had to tell him then. I couldn't back out of it. I couldn't. So I just shook my head with tears building up slowly--I willed them away. Then I grabbed Niall's hand and drug him to the track field and up onto the grassy hill behind it. I sat us down and put my stuff off to the side. Niall stared at me, trying to figure out what was wrong. I couldn't back down now. I took a deep breath and looked at Niall with the most terrified feeling building up inside of me.

     "I don't have the stomach flu." I stated quietly. Niall nodded, waiting for me to continue. "Um...I'm not sick at all. I'm...uh..." I looked down at my stomach, hoping that my child could give me some reassurance, but it was still too small. But somehow, it just being there gave me all the assurance I needed. "I went to the doctor and found out that...Th-that when I was little I was apart of this treatment testing thing. Something from it had changed up my inner organs."

     Niall tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

     "I'll have to explain later., I've been keeping something from you." When I looked back up at him, I couldn't hold back the tears. I started crying, already feeling way too emotional. Niall instinctly put his arm around me and comforted me. He must think that something terrible is happening to me.

     "I'm sorry, Harry. Whatever it is that you have, I promise I will stand by you through it all, okay? I'll always be here for you no matter wh--"

     "I'm pregnant." I bluntly confirmed. Niall tensed and went silent. Then he looked at me and started to laugh. I looked at him confused.

     "Wh-what?! Harry, come on. You--pregnant? Ha, good one, good one. I almost fell for that. Now tell me what's really going on." Niall sat, smiling, waiting for me to tell him what's really up. My eyes gathered up more tears and they rolled down my cheeks as I stared at Niall. He read in my eyes that I was telling the truth. His smile disappeared and eyebrows furrowed. "Harry..."

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