Chapter 15

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A/N Heller!!! I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a great 2015! I love this story so much and I can't wait to loose all of the up and downs, but it's good either way. Harry's stomach at the top. It's not too big but visible. Ok, enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

It took me a while to realize it, but I knew I had to change. I knew I had to better myself if I'm ever going to be able to see my child. You would think that I would have been very pissed and mad at Harry for threatening to take the baby away, but I saw things differently after that day. I saw that this isn't a dream. This was reality. Harry and I are really having a baby together and he does have the ability to take the baby away. I have been in some pretty bad situations and all, and Harry legally is the only parent, so the judge would have no problem signing over all legal rights to Harry.
It may not seem like it, but I love this baby more than anything, and I do care about Harry too. Yeah, we don't get along all the time but it's normal, and I'm going to prove to him that I'm going to try. I'm not going to give up on this baby even when times get hard. I've even been searching for a job and finding a way to get a car, but I am underage so that might not happen.
The other day, I was even thinking about moving out and getting my own place. Not that my parents kicked me out or anything, but just in case if things get out of hand I want to be prepared. Because, the more I think about it, I don't want my step dad around when the baby comes. He has severe anger issues and can't control his temper. If he gets annoyed by the baby crying or fussing, I don't want to know what he'd do. If he ever laid a hand on my child I honestly wouldn't hesitant to kill him.
The weekend had finally rolled around and Christmas break is nearing fast. I've decided that I'd like to go out and maybe get presents for Harry and the baby. I figured that the check was enough, but I still feel like doing it. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to get the baby, considering we won't find out what the baby is until sometime around Christmas. I guess I'll just have to wing it.
I walked downstairs wearing sweats and a sweater and a beanie on my head, my bangs curving across my eyes. I walked into the kitchen, digging around the drawers for my mother's car keys. I was startled by Daisy and Phoebe as they said hi to me in unison. I jumped and held my chest but continued looking for the keys.

"What are you looking for?" Daisy asked, sitting down at the table.

"Mum's keys." I said, simply.

"You're going to get in trouble," Phoebe said stuffing her face with grapes.

"I don't give a shit." I said snatching up the keys and put them in my pocket.

"Where are you going?" Phoebe asked, attempting to catch a grape in her mouth.

"I'm going out." I said, vaguely, grabbing a soda and making my way towards the garage.

"Can I come?" Daisy asked.

"Me too?!" Phoebe shouted after her.

I sighed and leaned against the door that leads into the garage. I thought about it and I guess it wouldn't hurt to have them tag along. I could use their help on picking out gifts for the baby. They're girls, they should know what to get. Right?

"Okay, okay." I said as they jumped up and down. "But," I shouted, "Don't tell mum or I'll shove my foot up of each of your asses."

"Sure you would big boy." Daisy said, walking around me and into the garage.

I looked down at Phoebe and she "zipped" her lips with an innocent smile and followed in suit to the car. Once we got in, we buckled up and drove down to the town mall, me being forced to listen to Justin Bieber. It didn't take long--thank god--before we were pulling into the parking lot and getting out of the car. We walked into the mall, being slammed with the horrible stench of pretzels and perfume fumes. We walked around for a little bit, not quite sure where we were going, when Phoebe spoke up.

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