Chapter 27

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Heller! Thank you all so much for reading! Luv Ya! 😚 basically all I have to say. Also if you're freaking out or still freaking out about the babygate thing, just remember the reason you even believed in Larry in the first place. Trust me, it'll all get better. I at least hope this makes you happy. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

The pictures keep popping up everywhere. All of them old, but still true. I know he's not like that anymore. He's proven it so many times, but no matter how much I want to tell myself that, I just can't stop believing what everyone is saying. I trust him. I really do, but he has acted out before and went against his word. I know these people are just saying and posting these things because they want to get under my skin, but I can't fight the thought away that Louis could want to or is going back to his old ways.
I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to. I wouldn't want to be with me either, but I just don't know anymore. I'm deeply hoping that all of this is just a rumor, but if it's not...I don't know what I'd do.
Instead of worrying about that too much, I've been hanging out with Louis a lot more now and am preparing for the baby to come. As of now I'm seven months and two week pregnant. I've got a little less than eight weeks left before my due date, May fifteenth. I've been over the moon excited for Natty's arrival. It feels as if it's been a million years since I first got pregnant, and I just want her with me right now.
Louis and I had completed the first little half of Natty's memory book with her ultrasounds and sonograms, and a little bit of pictures of my stomach growing over the course of the passed months. It's absolutely adorable, and I can't wait until we have pictures of her in it. I can but can't wait to watch her grow.
I woke up for school quite early--much earlier than I'd like--to a tight pain in my stomach. I sat up quickly, gripping my stomach. I tried my best to breath through the pain, but it was nearly unbearable. It didn't take long before the pain went away, but I dreaded the next time it'd happen again.
Once I was finally stable to move again, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and found that I had over twent notifications. My eyes widened as I scrolled down the list of social media news feed. I clicked on one and it lead me to the same photos I've seen for many weeks now: Louis with some random person, kissing. I was tagged in all of the photos or mentioned in the comments, but Louis wasn't at all. This whole thing is about him, yet he's not tagged or anything. Weird.
I decided that I'd just block everyone posting these and signed out of all my social media accounts. But before I did, I posted a cute picture of my stomach on my Instagram:

     We made it to 29 weeks! I can't wait for my beautiful baby girl to be here, May 15th

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We made it to 29 weeks! I can't wait for my beautiful baby girl to be here, May 15th. I'm so grateful to have my little angel. 😇❤👬🚼

I tagged Louis in it then posted it. Many seconds later Louis, Niall, my mum and my sister, who's in the states, liked the photo. A few comments popped up after that.

Louis&Harry: Whoo hoo! Counting down the days, baby. 😊

AnneTwist: So cute, little Nats.

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