Chapter 20

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A/N Heller!!!! Thank you so much for 300+ reads! It may not seem like a lot, but every read counts. Okay, enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up with an aching feeling in the center of my stomach. I wasn't sure if I should be worried about it or not since it could be just the baby moving and being a bit harsh, but what if it wasn't?
I've heard before that whether you were male or female, there's always a chance of losing your child in the middle of the second trimester. The chances are low, but still there. The last thing I need is losing my baby. I've busted my ass just trying to make sure I'm eating enough fruits in one day and getting enough sleep. I'm getting stressed a lot more, but not letting it get out of hand for the sake of the baby. I really don't want the baby's failed life to be on my hands.
I sat up and grabbed my stomach, letting out a painful grunt. I inhaled deeply through the pain, but it wouldn't stop. It carried out for minutes on end to the point where I was getting scared. I went to roll out of bed, but I was worried that the baby would suddenly drop. I know that's a bit...dramatic, but I was scared. I couldn't help the horrible thoughts running through my head.
I gripped my stomach, tightly, as I let out a quiet cry, finally getting fed up with what was happening. I called out for my mum, but she didn't respond back. I called again, but this time louder, pain and worry in my voice. Finally, she rushed into my room and came to my assistance.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asked, rubbing my arms, trying to calm me down.

"I-I don't know. I just woke up and this happened." I answered the best I could without having tears slide down my cheeks. "Mum, please do something..."

"I don't know what to do. Are you sure the baby isn't just moving?" My mum asked, panic rising in her.

"I'm sure...mum, I don't want my baby to die...she can't leave me. She can't. Natty can't leave me.... Oh, my god, what about Louis?! We have to call him--"

"Harry! Calm. Down. Breathe. Now, has the pain dimmed down?"

I breathed deeply, focusing on the still heartbeat that I'm hoping is not only my own, but Natty's as well. I nodded, rubbing my stomach.

"And how long did it last?" She asked, pulling her phone out.

"Only a few minutes..."

"Okay. No need to worry, babe. It's probably just Braxton hicks."

I sat and let that process. It is possible that it is, but how come I didn't think of that before? It was quite obvious that it was it. After all, I have been having sex while pregnant, so that must've caused it to start sooner.

I nodded as the pain finally disappeared all together. "Okay...I bet it is."

"Are you okay now?"

I nodded before getting out of bed and grabbing clothes to take a shower.

"Okay, next time you do that to me, you better be in labor." My mum said to me as she left downstairs.

I laughed and left into my bathroom. I started the water and began to strip my clothing. My bump has gotten bigger now, slightly, but a visible difference. I smiled at myself in the mirror, rubbing at the bottom of my stomach. Natty began to kick where my hand was, only making me smile even more.
At this point, I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have Natty. She was a part of me and Louis. I've only imagined tales of this, hoping it would happen. And now that it finally has, I don't know how else to think. It's only been five months and it feels like a lifetime that I've had her. That I've had Louis...
What would happen if I never had Louis? I'd never have Natty. I'd never have a baby and a boyfriend to give love to or care about. I'd never have the opportunity to bare a child or know what it's like to experience love. I wouldn't have the life I have right now.
I tried my best not to think about that and hopped into the shower. I didn't experience any Braxton hicks during that time--which was good--but I knew that I'd have to experience it again later.
I arrived at school later that morning, looking around for Louis. When I couldn't find him, I began to worry. I didn't want to think anything bad or over dramatic happened, but he does have his history, and most of it isn't good. I decided to just go to my locker, hoping I'd see him later.
Once I was there, I gathered up my books and put my bag on the hook. I was starttled when I closed my locker to see Nick leaning against the lockers, smiling grimly.

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