Chapter 14

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A/N Heller Double update! I'm liking where this book is going and let's pray that it'll make it to the end. My writer's block sometimes gets the best of me. But I have faith in this book so, lets see where it goes. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

Louis and I haven't spoken in almost two weeks now. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but to be honest, I miss talking to him. It's like the food in my bowl isn't completely filled without him in my presence. Even before I was pregnant, he'd talk to me even if it was to tease me. But he was still there. Now it's like he and I have never met. It's quite lonely, but peaceful. In a bad way.
But on the bright side, I haven't seen him with anyone else since our fight in the hallway. I'm hoping that he's actually putting forth the effort to better his ways because as of now the baby would be born in exactly five months and two days. I'm not exactly four months just yet, but I'm close enough to consider it.
Now that I've hit my second trimester, I know for sure that the baby is moving, and I always get so excited to feel my baby move. Sometimes during the day when the baby isn't sleeping, they'd kick softly at my stretched skin and I'd rub at their tiny little feet. My bump is very visible now and thank god for it, because I get to do less in gym now. As much as I like to be fit, I love being lazy even more.
I woke up feeling very happy out of nowhere and I didn't understand why, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. I stretched my arms up and fell back onto the bed. My shirt rose up from the action and my adorable bump was showing. I smiled as I sat back up and rubbed my exposed skin. The baby was a little shaken up from me falling onto my bed, but settled down at the touch of my hand. It made me want to cry knowing that my baby already knows who I am. I whispered sweet nothing's to the baby for a few minutes when I realized that I still have to go to school.
I got out of bed and took a quick shower. Once I was clean, I get out and got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, then made my way downstairs. I smelt bacon and pancakes and a small hint of chocolate. I pranced into the kitchen and sat down at the island.

"Good morning, mummy." I said happily, playing with my sweater paws. The weather seemed to have dropped drastically as December rolled around.

"'Morning, babe. I made you something that you were whining about yesterday, saying that you desperately needed it."

She placed a plate with sausage patties and bacon stacked onto each other with a chocolate syrup covering the top towards me. I smiled widely at the dish my mum made me and thanked her as I took a bite of the chocolate covered bacon strip. I hummed with pleasure.

"There's no doubt in my mind that this baby is going to love bacon and chocolate. Every strange meal I've seen you eat consisted of those two things." My mum said, making a dish for herself.

"Wouldn't surprise me. I quite enjoy having this every once in a while." I said, taking a bite of the sausage.

"Every once in a while? Try every day."

We laughed some at what she said when we were interrupted by a knock at the door. I rose to my feet thinking it was Niall when I opened the door to reveal someone I thought I'd never see.

"Zayn? Wh-what are you d-doing here?" I stuttered, with shock and fear taking over me.

"Just thought I'd drop by. Tomlinson was too scared to do it himself." He said, so casually.

"Do wh-what himself?" I questioned, many feelings coursing through me. Zayn pulled a paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a folded envelope with the words "To Harry" written in his hand writing. I took the paper from his hands and looked at it with curiosity.

"Well...uh...take care mate." Zayn said before walking off my porch and down the street to where a car was parked. I couldn't see who was in the driver's seat, but I bet it was either Liam or Louis.

Unexpectedly: Larry Stylinson Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now