Chapter 19

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A/N Heller!!! Thank so much for the reads! Also I've got a Larry Stylinson one shots story up and I'd really appreciate it of you'd check it out. Thanks again, enjoy! Cute video up top and pic of Louis later in the chapter.

Louis' P.O.V.

I felt as if I was light on air as I kissed Harry passionately. Our tongues danced in a slow and smooth motion as Harry rolled his hips down on me. I groaned by the contact and tightened my grip on his hips, pulling him as close to me as I could. Harry's hands cupped my neck, allowing him to get better access to my lips in which he proudly devoured.
Ever since Harry and I had decided we were going to try this couple thing out, he'd be on me every time we were in private. His hormones have been driving him crazy, but as you can tell, I don't mind. No, I won't take advantage of him, but I wouldn't mind a heated make out session every once in a while.
Harry began to kiss down my jaw and neck, leaving a hicky by my ear. I closed my eyes and leaned my head to the side to give him more room. His tongue slid over the bruise, a loud and throaty moan escaping me.

"" I growled, causing Harry to laugh and stop kissing me, making me slightly mad. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"You sound hornier than I do, and I'm pregnant." Harry responded, pecking my lips, cheeks--all over my face.

"Well, I'm sorry. This is the longest I haven't had sex and I'm really in need of it right now." I responded, catching his lips in between mine. "And when you're acting like this, it drives me little fucking tease."

Harry laughed again and lied down on his back, pulling me by the collar down with him. I licked my lips as he bit down on his bottom one. "Well, if you're that desperate..." Harry said seductively, tracing my exposed tattoo on my chest with his finger.

My eyes widened and I instantly got hard just looking at him in such a state. I was about ready to just take him then and there. "R-really?" I stuttered out.

"I'm already pregnant. What's the worst that could happen?" Harry responded already unbuttoning my shirt. "My mom isn't home, so there's no need to rush."

I smiled and dipped down to kiss him roughly. The kiss was instantly heated as I grind down on him, his legs instinctively wrapping around my waist. It was easy and quite comfortable since Harry was only wearing his boxers and an oversized jersey. I was soon shirtless and getting to being pantless. Harry and I struggled to get them off since we were trying to keep our lips together, but we eventually got them off. Harry was a moaning mess underneath me. I guess being pregnant makes this ten times more enjoyable. As I went to pull his boxers down, the door suddenly flung open and smacked the wall causing Harry and I to separate in an instant. Niall walked in with a smug look on his face which soon turned to a grimance seeing as we were close to being naked.

"Ugh...I came in at the right time." Niall's eyes widened as they trailed down to where my hard on was about ready to poke out of my extremely tight boxers. "Wow."

"Hey!" Harry shouted as he pulled me close to him and covered my lower region with my shirt. "He's mine. Keep your eyes, hands and mouth off of him!"

I chuckled and kissed Harry by how cute and possessive he was being. I loved it, but unfortunately it turned me on more, so my situation was kind of awkward.

"You know, Harry, your mom won't be so happy to know that her son brought a boy up into his room and almost did the dirty, now would she?" Niall said, tossing me my pants.

"No, but she'll be extremely mad to know that a stupid boy entered her home without permission, now would she?" Harry replied back with a sassy tone. I cleared my throat to cover up the moan I almost released from Harry being so demanding. I maybe dominant, but I liked to be ordered around sometimes. Wow, kinky.

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