Chapter 32

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Heller! Everyone! This story is almost to a thousand reads! This is freaking amazing! Thank you all so so very much for reading, commenting, voting and sharing this story. I've had a blast writing it, and I hope that this story continues to grow as well as my other stories I'm writing now and in the future. Thanks again guys! You're the best! 😄😂❤💙💚

Harry's P.O.V.

This has been the worst month of my life. There has been nothing but drama and craziness since Louis...well, you already know. But for these past few weeks, I can't handle it anymore. He can try to say what he wants, but I know what I saw that day. He can try to manipulate me all he wants, but by now he should know that I'm not going to fall for it this time or ever again.
He hurt me like no has ever hurt me before. And let me tell you, I was physically beaten up almost everyday, and what he did still hurt worse. I gave him so many chances to prove himself, and I was falling into his trap. I can't believe that I actually fell for it. I knew it was too good to be true.
He should be grateful, though, that I'm still allowing him to see Natty after all of this. He's lucky enough that I'm even considering it because of the deal we made many months ago. I do have every right to keep her from him, but I'm not going to do that to Natty. She deserves a lot better than him, but he is her father, and she deserves to see him. She's all I'm doing this for. Not him. If he had nothing to do with her existence, then he'd never see her at all.
Speaking of Natty, not to be rude, but she has been a pain in my ass this passed month. She keeps on trying to move around when clearly she's not going to be able to, and she kicks at me all the freaking time. I can barely sleep with just that, but to make things worse, my Braxton hicks have been going on one after the other it seemed. My back and feet hurt like literally all the time. I'm always grouchy and in a bad mood, and it's beginning to be hard to even stand up. I knew that the last few weeks of the third trimester was going to be the worst, but they're also the best.
All of this annoyance and pain is leading up to the greatest thing of all time: the birth of my daughter. I've been waiting for this moment for almost a year, and soon she'll finally be here. I can finally hold her and kiss her and just have her. Even though we haven't officially met yet and she hasn't even been born, I've missed her. I've missed seeing her at my appointments. I've missed feeling her kick softly at my hand as it rested above her little feet. I've missed talking to her before she went to sleep, and honestly, I've missed Louis with her. Though she was still inside of me, the two of them have one of the greatest connections. Everything is just lonely now.
I attempted to walk around my house for a bit so that I won't have back pains from laying down for long. It was such a struggle to even stand up anymore, and it's the most annoying thing ever. Once I was halfway down the stairs, I had to call for my mum to help me the rest of the way. She rushed up to me and lead me into the living room, sitting me down onto the couch. I took deep breaths before relaxing into the soft couch cushions.

"You alright, dear?" My mum asked after helping me sit.

"Yeah...she's just really heavy now." I said, resting my head against the back of the couch, rubbing my slightly exposed skin of my stomach.

"I know the feeling, babe. I had two kids, and let me tell you, you weren't a tiny baby." My mum joked, sitting besides me. I laughed a bit before cringing at the pain in my lower stomach. These have been happening so frequent it's starting to get really annoying. "I'm sorry, love. Would you like me to make you some tea?"

"Please?" I whined, curling in on myself. My mum gave me a quick kiss before leaving to make some tea. Only seconds later, there was a knock at the front door. I was about ready to get up and answer it, but then I realized I kind of couldn't.

"Don't worry, I've got it, Harry." My mum said, reaching for the door. A second later she was greeting someone. Thank god it wasn't Louis again. "Oh, yes, he's in here. Come in. I'm making tea, would you like some?"

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