Chapter 28

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Hello! Thank you all again so much for reading this! The end is nearing and I am very sad and excited! I'm thinking about writing another Larry Stylinson story once this is over. Any ideas? Okay, enjoy!

Louis' P. O. V.

It's only been months that Harry and I started dating, but I've known him for over two years. It must mean something. I've always had a thing for him ever since I first met him despite my old habits, but doesn't that still mean something? In the past, I've had a liking towards him. But now...I am insanely in love with him. It's literally mental how much I am in love with this boy.
There has been this crazy idea floating in my head for the longest time, and I can't help but express it. But, all I know is that I need to make sure it's worth expressing. So, I had invited my friends over in hopes of getting the answer that I've always wanted.

"You what?!" Liam shouted at me as I sat there with heart eyes and an innocent smile.

"I want to ask Harry to marry me." I said simply.

"Louis, please tell me you're hearing yourself correctly. You want to marry your pregnant boyfriend?" Zayn asks, just as shocked as Liam was.

"Well, yeah. What's wrong with me wanting to?" I asked, feeling quite discouraged by my friends. "Do you think he'll say no?"

"No! No, Louis. Just listen. You two are only seventeen, and still on high school...expecting a baby in less than two months. Don't you think that would be rushing it a bit?" Liam explained.

I shrugged, agreeing in the slightest that I was rushing it. I mean, he is right. We're only teenagers and already having a baby together, but for some reason, that didn't stop me from wanting to marry Harry. "Yeah, but I mean we'd get married after we graduate. That way we're both eighteen and out of the house. I'm not that stupid. Besides, most people end up being engaged for a year or so, so it won't be much different."

"Yes, but, this is Harry we're talking about. He's very...Harry? Okay, let's say that he does say no. Then what?" Zayn asked.

I sat, slouched. I didn't even think about that. I kind of just thought that Harry would just say yes anyway. Not once in my mind did I think that he would say no. We both love each other and we're having a baby together. I just thought maybe that it would be an obvious yes.

"I...I don't know, honestly. I was just...thinking that he'd say yes. What if he does say no? Does that mean that he doesn't like me anymore or..."

"Louis, I think he'd still like you...maybe he just isn't ready for such a commitment. So, perhaps, put that aside for a bit and focus on something that no doubt in my mind would he say no to: Junior Prom." Zayn said, jazzing his fingers.

I smiled, remembering the dance that would take place in two weeks. I've been wanting to go to this dance with Harry for a while now, and now that it's here, I can't be more excited. But then the smile on my face altered when I remembered that it would be too risky for Harry to go to the dance considering he's almost eight months pregnant.

"Hey, what's with the sad face?" Liam asked.

"Harry can't go to the dance." I said, voice low.

"Why not?" They both asked at the same time.

"Guys, he's almost eight months pregnant. Sooner or later, he won't be able to go to school anymore. So, I guess I should just...I don't know." I sighed, sadly.

"You'll figure something out, lad. Don't think too much about it. I can think of a way to lightly--mind I say lightly-- bring up marriage, but don't rush things. Think about it a little longer before you decide to pop the question, and before you decide to do anything-- anything-- ask his mum first, okay?" Liam suggested before the two had to leave.

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