Chapter 21

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A/N Heller!!! Thanks so much for the reads guys! I am so happy this story is going somewhere and it wouldn't be if it weren't for you guys. Thanks so much. If you're not already reading my Larry Stylinson one shots story then please do and spread the word. Enjoy! :p

Louis' P.O.V.

A cast was what I was in for the past few weeks. Ever since the last game, I haven't been able to play in any of the games and I could barely participate at practice. The only thing that was good coming out of this was all the babying from Harry.
He'd come over to my house almost everyday just to make sure that I was doing okay. While we were in school, he'd help me with my books and getting me to my other classes. It played out kind of the same way when Harry first got pregnant. I would always be the one to help him and ask if he was okay, but I guess the tables have turned.
But with most of my day being spent on doing nothing, I managed to come up with the greatest idea ever. Harry's birthday was coming up, and I wanted to do something special for him. At the moment, there's nothing he loves more than the baby, so I came up with the plan of combinding a party for Harry with a baby shower. My mum thought it would be a good idea, and Anne was really digging it too. So, the day of Harry's birthday--which is a Saturday, thankfully--we'll surprise him that day.
Also, he's literally just the most oblivious person alive that his mum and I have been able to make his birthday present without him even knowing. Honestly, not to brag or anything, but his big gift from me is by far the greatest gift that anyone could ever give.
When the middle of the week had finally rolled around, I was able to just walk with a knee brace on instead of with the help of the crutches. Everyone was always asking if I was getting better and what not, and I answered yes. To be honest, I hate having all of this attention now. I used to love it, but now...I don't see the point in it. Being with Harry has changed my perspective on things, such as being popular, and I'm glad that I finally realized it now because it has changed me for the better.
I was on my way to Harry's locker when that Brianna chick that I was flirting with from the beginning of the year walked up to me. She smiled widely, exposing some things in her teeth. Maybe lettuce? I couldn't really tell, but that was all I could see.

"Hi, Louis!" She said, flirtatiously.

"Hey, Brianna..." I dragged out, hinting that I didn't want to talk to her.

"So, how's the knee going?" She asked, moving her hair behind her ear.

"It hurts here and there, but oh well." I rushed out, trying to move this conversation along quicker.

"Oh, yeah. I bet. You know...I've missed you..." Brianna said, walking her fingers up my shoulder.

I sarcastically smiled and shook her hand off of me. "Sorry, but I'm kind of in a relationship right"

"Oh? I thought you had ended it by now."

"Why would I have ended it?"

"Because, it's been about a month, and that's normally how long your "relationships" last. Also, I don't know why you'd stick around for him. I mean, he's accused you of getting him pregnant just so that you'd stay with him! Besides, guys can't get pregnant, so he's just straight up lying to you and everyone else."

I glared at her so bluntly that she stepped back when seeing it. "Well...I'd like to educate you for a second. He isn't accusing me for getting him pregnant. I did get him pregnant. I'm the only one who had ever slept with him. Also, he can get pregnant because of a drug that was tested on him when he was just a lad. And to top things off, that baby is real. I've felt her move, I've felt her kick--hell I've ever heard her heartbeat! So go off saying that again. I dare you." And with that, I turned on my good leg and walked away from her, leaving her shocked and embarrassed.

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