Chapter 30

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Hello everyone. Its sad to see the reads going down. Please please please don't let this story die. I love it so much and I hope you guys do to. Unfortunately it is coming to an end. I can't tell you the amount of chapters left, but more than likely, roughly around ten. It may seem like a lot, but they'll go by really fast. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please check out my other books, Therapy and my one shots story. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

I'd tried my hardest to play it off like I was sick or tired or anything but sad because Louis doesn't deserve my tears and pain. He doesn't even deserve this beautiful child in his life, but since I'm a good person, I'll let him see her. But overall, he doesn't deserve me. It took me nearly an entire year to figure out that he didn't mean anything he said or did. He didn't mean his loving words and touches or the times we "made love". Was it even love though?
I couldn't even explain to my mum about everything that had happened. I had to keep it short so that she didn't have to live with my pain. She said that I'm her child. That whenever I'm hurt she's hurt. Not this time. She may have experienced something similar to this or worse or not as much worse, but she'll never understand what I'm going through. That's not the arrogant stubborn teenager talking. It's the heartbroken boy who fell for the joker's tricks. She'll never know what it's like to fall so hard for someone and be expecting a baby with them just to be thrown out into open traffic and get hit with a big load of reality. That's all that that day was in the hall: a reality check.
I should've known it was going to happen. I should've known that he was lying and manipulating and that he plays everyone just the same. The only reason he stuck around was because he messed up this time and got me pregnant. I'm pretty sure if he didn't, I wouldn't be right here in my room, crying to Niall about how horrible life is. I'd probably could have found someone else or at least moved on from him. I could've been happy right now. Imagine that.
Niall was sitting beside me on my bed as I laid curled up in a ball with my stomach cradled as I balled my eyes out. I've never cried this much. Maybe when I almost lost Natty, but this was a close second. Niall tried his hardest to get me to stop crying, but no matter what he did or what he said always brought me back to thinking of Louis.

"This can't all be bad, can it? You're free to like who you want to like without worrying they're going to cheat," Niall said, handing me another tissue.

"B-but...but I l-like Louis! How-how can I like someone...el-else?!" I said, in between cries and helpless hick-ups.

"Well...there's this kid in my creative writing class. His name's Jeremy. He's super hot and he loves monkeys! He always talks about how smart and cute they are and how they're an underrated species." Niall cringed when I bellowed out in a huge fit of tears. "What's the matter now?"

"L-Louis likes m-monkeys!" I cried as I sat up and pulled out my phone. "See? He was s-so happy that day...Imagine him like that w-with Natty..." And then I started crying all over again at the fond memory of Louis and I at the zoo. That was one of the best dates ever. More for him than it was for me. But I was just happy that he was happy.

 But I was just happy that he was happy

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