Epilogue Part 2

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Thank you all so so much for keeping this story going. You guys have been the absolute greatest, and I hope you guys stick around for my other stories. Dedication goes to all of you because you all deserve it and more. This has been such a great and fun journey. I plan to continue writing, and I hope you all continue another journey with me some other time. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the final update of unexpectedly!

Harry's P.O.V.

Everything was just...perfect. I couldn't describe it any other way. My family, my life...my husband. I couldn't believe I was saying that. Husband. And you'll never guess who it is. The one and only Louis Tomlinson has been my incredible, loyal, and amazing husband for almost three years now.
After graduation, Louis and I got ready for college and got married the September not long after. Most people would think that we rushed it a bit, but we wanted a small simple wedding with the people that mattered the most to us. It was more perfect than perfect. All of our siblings were in the wedding, along with Natty, and the honeymoon was just as great. We had my mum watch Natty while Louis and I had a road trip to a cabin that Jay owned up in the mountains and stayed there for a week. It was defiantly a magical week, at best.
As the few years went by, Louis had made a name for himself as the best youth sports coach in London. He's in training at the moment to become a big league's coach. I, on the other hand, will become a teacher next year. I decided that I wanted to work with younger kids, so I'm going to be a kindergarten teacher next fall. As for Natty, she's now three years old and happier than ever. She looks more and more like me everyday, and Louis and I aren't protesting. I've always wanted a mini me, and Louis finds it adorable that he's able to love two people that look the same.
As for our friends, everything is just as good for them. Niall and Ella are still just dating, but they live together, and Ella is a stay at home mum to little Danny while Niall works at a recording studio in the heart of London. Niall's thought of marrying her, but he wants to wait for the right moment.
Quite surprisingly, Liam and Zayn came out to us about a year ago, and said that they've been dating for a few months. That was such a huge shocker, but now they're engaged and have already been talking about adopting. It was such a shocker for us, but Louis insisted that he saw it coming. Liam, at the moment, works for an editor company that publishes books, poems, etc., and Zayn is quite the successful tattoo artist (on the side) and illustrator for books and movies.
Life is just...perfect. And to make things more perfect, I surprised Louis one late afternoon a few months after Natty turned two.

I waited impatiently for Louis to get home while I baked cookies with Natty. I was so anxious to see him, and Natty could tell just by the way that I was bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet.

"Daddy, you wook like a bunny!" Natty said as she licked the cookie dough off of her fingers.

"Do I now?" I replied, setting the baking sheet with the cookie dough on it into the oven.

"Yeah. I wanna be a bunny too!" Natty shouted and began to bounce up and down.

I smiled fondly down at Natty when I heard the front door open. Natty instantly fled from the kitchen to the entrance of the house where her papa was taking off his coat. "Papa!"

Louis smiled widely and crouched down to pick up our short stack daughter. "Natty! Darling, how are you?"

"Daddy and me just made cookies!" Natty squealed as Louis stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"That's fantastic! I was craving cookies earlier. Much like the cookie monster!" Louis said in a funny voice and began to kiss Natty all over her face, causing her to scream and giggle while trying to push his face away from her. Louis laughed and kissed her one last time before setting her down and walked over to me.

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