Chapter 26

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Heller! Double update just because! Enjoy! ;p

Harry's P.O.V.

I went from class to class, making sure that they got all of my work. So far I've been doing good with the catching up with work thing. Thanks to Louis and Niall, I'm not stressed about it anymore, and I'm so close to not having to go to summer school. At the moment I have two A's, four B's, and two C's. I'm passing all of my classes, so that's good.
Many weeks had passed since Louis and I starting building our relationship back together, and it's all been working out just fine. He's been absolutely amazing towards me and working really hard. His grades are actually better than mine, but I don't really care. I'm just glad that he's doing good.
I walked down to the lunch room in the middle of the day and sat down with Niall as I waited for Louis. Niall smiled and offered me the salad that he got but didn't want. I accepted it and covered it in ranch before I began to eat. Niall laughed as he ate his burger and turned towards me.

"Wow, Harry. You're stomach's really big." Niall said, rubbing the top of my stomach.

"Yeah, I know. It's slowly becoming harder to walk now, but this is a good thing. I need her to keep growing until she's ready to come out." I said, fondly looking down at my stomach as he kicked at Niall's hand. We both laughed before he pulled his hand away. "She likes you."

"Of course she likes me. I'm her favorite uncle!" Niall said, biting into his burger.

"Well, yeah. You're practically her only uncle. Besides Ernie. He's her youngest uncle."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot Louis had a brother. I think it's because he has an army of sisters."

"Who has an army of sisters?" I heard a voice say behind me. I tilted my head back as Louis rested his hands on my shoulders. "Hello, love." Louis said as he kissed my nose then my lips.

"Hello," I said as Louis sat on the opposite side of me. "How's your day been?"

"It's been a day. Not the best until now." Louis said, rubbing at my stomach. "So big now."

"Yeah, it's only going to get bigger. I can't wait to see how big she's gotten after school."

"You have an appointment today?" Niall asked, taking a drink of his soda.

"Yeah, at three thirty. You wanna come? You haven't been to one, so I figured why not?" I said, taking another bite from my salad while Louis, rested his hand on my thigh.

"Thanks, but I've got a lot of homework to catch up from my missing days. How 'bout you send a photo instead?" Niall said, finishing the last bit of his food before throwing it away.

For the rest of lunch, we all chatted and goofed off like nothing bad has ever happened in the past. Even Louis and Niall were getting along, so that says a lot. Once the bell rang, we gathered our things and threw it away. Niall went off to class while Louis tagged along with me.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked, molding our hands together.

"I'm going to visit my counselor. See what else I need to get all of my credits for this year." I answered, rubbing my stomach with my free hand.

"You mean the same counselor that told you to give up our baby?" Louis said with a growl.

"Unfortunately, yes. If I could trade counselors then I would."

Louis and I walked into the counselors' office and requested that I see my counselor. After a few minutes of waiting, I was called in.

"Do you want to stay out here?" I asked Louis.

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