Chapter 7

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A/N Heller!! Double update!!! This isn't going to be a constant thing. I just felt like writing some more and I ended up finishing it, so here ya go! Enjoy!!!

Harry's P.O.V.

     One month. It had been an entire month since Louis and I...well, I don't know what we did, but it was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I still remember everything that he said. How his words struck like knives and burned like fire. How evil his eyes looked, full of pure hate. After all that time together--only being a week--I can't believe he would do such a thing. Well, at first I thought that, but now I've  seen the real him.
     At first, for about two days, I wouldn't go to school. I wouldn't even get out of my bed. My mum was becoming very angry with me, and she wanted an explanation as to why I was even sad in the first place, but I couldn't tell her that I slept with Louis. She would become furious. So, instead I just said I wasn't feeling well. I must've ended up jinxing it, because for the past few weeks, I haven't been feeling to great.
     Speaking of which, as soon as I got out of bed, I zoomed to the bathroom and hacked up all that I had eaten the previous night. I hovered over the toilet, waiting for the rest to come out. Seconds later, I saw last night's spaghetti pile into the toilet, greeted by a horrible stench and a massive headache. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against my arm, rested on the cold white toilet seat. Finally, the nausea went away, and I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.
     Within twenty minutes I was ready for school. I really didn't want to go back. Louis was there and the other people who bullied me were there and Louis...I've realized that I've become afraid of his existence. I couldn't be anywhere near him without getting scared and sick to my stomach. Even hearing his name puts me in a state of shock.
     I walked downstairs slowly, still feeling off, and entered the kitchen. My mum was cooking bacon and eggs. The thought and smell of eggs made my stomach churn. My mum looked up from where she was flipping eggs and smiled.

     "Morning love. Sleep well?" She asked kindly.

     "Not really. I uh...I actually threw up this morning." I stated.

     "Oh no. Are you sick?" She asked as she held up her hand to my forehead. "Oh hun, you're burning up. You should probably stay home from school today."

     "No, it's fine. If I feel any worse I'll come home." I said as I took two slices of bacon off of a plate.

     I made my way over to our pantry and took out cake frosting and crackers. I set the bacon on a plate and scooped up a nice big chunk of the chocolate cake frosting and plopped it onto the pieces of bacon. Then, I took the crackers and crushed them onto the pile of frosting. My mouth watered at the sight. I picked up the bacon and took a huge bite out of it, moaning of pleasure. That tastes a lot better than I thought.

     "Harry, what on earth are you eating?" My mum questioned, disgusted.

     "Um, it looks like bacon, chocolate cake frosting and crackers." I looked over at her, frosting on my nose. "You want some?" She gagged and walked away from me. I shrugged and continued to eat my delicious treat.

     Ten minutes later, Niall was outside my house, waiting for me. I exited the house after saying goodbye to my mum and locked the door. Niall stood there, smiling like a goof ball and opened his arms wide for me. I hugged him tightly, extremely grateful that he's my best friend. I pulled away seconds later and smiled back at him. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded, then we were off.

     We stepped inside the school and automatically all eyes were on us. Niall told me to ignore it, but it's become harder to since it's been going on for over a month now. I stood behind Niall for protection, even if I was like two inches taller than him. He stood up tall with his head up and a smile on his face. He was proud to be himself. If only I was like him.
     We made it over to my locker just fine, only getting a few dirty looks from everyone in that area. I really don't understand why I'm even getting the dirty looks. Louis' the one who did something dirty and cruel. He should be the one everyone is glaring at. But no, I guess. The victim is the one in the wrong.
     I opened my locker to get the books that I needed while Niall told me a story about his nephew, Theo. Niall was always so positive when he talked about his family. Every detail was given so much emphasis and kindness to it. There's never been a time that I've heard a negative story about his family. That's one thing I like about him. He's always so positive.
     I turned away from my locker only to be greeted with a smug looking Louis Tomlinson. He was walking down the hall with Zayn and Liam at his sides, looking so bad ass. (Note the sarcasm.) Everyone stopped what they were doing in the hall just to look at him. They gazed upon his existance as if he were God himself. While they all stared in awe, I stared in pain and sadness. Niall must have noticed because he shifted my body away from him and continued to talk about his nephew. No matter what he said, I still couldn't find myself listening. All I could think about was Louis. All through the day I had thought about Louis.

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