Chapter 18

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A/N Heller! The Larry feels are becoming too much, but I love writing this story so you'll have to deal with it. Sorry it took so long to update this and sorry if it's not as good. My writer's block is coming back. :/ Ok, enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

I rushed and hustled through the crowd of people on my way to the kitchen to retrieve the next order and pick up the meals that are made. I wasn't really liked at this joint. I'm still quite new to this whole working thing and I find it very unfair that I got stuck with the big families and fat people. They always have the most food, the bigger messes, and biggest attitude. They don't even tip me what I deserve, but I can't quick because I'm going to need the money for Natty.
Oh, Natty. I'm so glad she has a name. It feels good to know that she's more real every day. This so called dream is becoming more of a reality and I'm surprisingly happy about that. Not to mention that Harry and I are sort of a thing now. He and I talked a bit more about it and thought we'd give it a try, us as a couple. We were both very happy when we decided this and we think that it would make a better future for our daughter.
The girls were very happy when they were told the baby's name. Lottie was especially happy because her name was the closest to the final decision and Harry's mum was happy that her middle name was the name she liked.
Today's New year's eve and here I am stuck at work with co-workers that I don't even like. There's one person I could stand, but even then I still don't like her. Speaking of the devil, as I turned around to set my phone down from previously texting my friends, she walked into the kitchen, carrying a full tray of unfinished food. Kylie was her name.
She had long dyed red hair and a lip and nose piercing. She had a couple tattoos, but not as much as I do. She stood 5"4 and she was very sassy, but I could handle it. Sometimes.
She walked over to me as she stole some freshly cooked chips from a tray that was yet to be delivered and stood beside me.

"Sup, new-boy." Kylie said, taking a bite of the chip. "How's life working for ya?"

"It's good actually. Stressful but good." I replied, pocketing my phone in my jacket that's hung up on the wall.

"Just wondering, but why are you even working here? You don't seem like the type to work in a restaurant." Kylie asked, leaning against the counter.

I let out a long sigh and scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly. "'re right. I don't want to work here. I don't want to work period, but I have to because I'm expecting a baby soon." I said, tension already starting to build up.

Kylie's jaw dropped and she shook her head in disbelief. "You're gonna be a daddy?" She asked, trying to talk like a black woman. "What are you, like fifteen?"

"Seventeen, but yeah, I'm going to be a dad." I said, walking passed her. Before I could go any further, she pulled me back.

"Hey, you can't just walk off like that. Give me more details." She rushed.

I sighed and leaned against the counter as one of the other waiters walked passed me. "What do you want to know?"

" old is the baby mama? Who they are, things about your baby, maybe?"

I smiled thinking about the two most important people in my life. "Well, they're sixteen--seventeen next month. Um, the baby's a girl and her name is Natty Lilly-May. She'll be born in April or May, and this so called "baby mama" is named Harry and is a boy."

Kylie gasped as I said the last part about Harry and how he's a boy. I wasn't up for explaining anything, so before she could question anything, I smiled and left, delivering the last of the meals before I was off for the night.

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