Chapter 23

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Heller! This story is honestly the best I've written. If you haven't read my Lashton Fanfic that is currently on hold, you'll see that this is ten times better. I love writing this story so much, and I hope you love it just as much as I do. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

Louis has been ignoring me since our fight. He's been ignoring my texts and calls and at school. He won't sit down with me and just let me explain. I knew he'd take it badly, but I also knew that he'd understand why I'm doing it. He told me when he first found out about her that he'd agree with me if I decided to give her up for adoption. He said that he'd side with me no matter the circumstances. I understand why he's hurting about it. To be honest, I am too. I don't want to give her up, but if it's what's best for her then so be it. I can't be selfish about this even if people say to do this for yourself. I could never do this for myself. If I wanted to do it for myself, then I'd keep her in a heartbeat. But it's for her...
He had kept this ignoring me thing for about a week. It broke my heart, honestly. He's my boyfriend, too. Not just the father of my child. He means so much to me, and to have him possibly hate me makes me feel absolutely terrible. I wanted nothing more than to just talk to him and work everything out. Unfortunately for me, he didn't want to. He refused to. That's why I'm here in my room crying my eyes out as Niall sat behind me and rubbed my back. He tried to say that it was just Louis being a dick and that it's not my fault, but all I heard was that it was my fault.

"Harry, you seriously need to understand that it's not your fault!" Niall said to me as he rubbed my lower back where it had been hurting more, for I'm almost six months pregnant.

"It is my fault, Niall! I said it, I thought it, and I might go through with it. I'm the one who made Louis angry! Did you see his face when he heard you?! He was so heartbroken, and it's all my fault!" I cried, buring my face into my pillow.

There was a knock at my door, suddenly, startling me, but I continued to cry like there was no tomorrow. My mum then walked in and sat on the opposite side of Niall. She didn't say anything for I was rambling on and on about how I had ruined everything. When she finally had enough, she interrupt me and looked up at Niall.

"Sorry, Niall. Would you mind coming back another day? I need to talk to Harry in private." She said, rubbing my arm lightly. Niall nodded, leaned over and kissed my forehead and left the room in silence. "Now, would you please tell me why you're crying like this?"

I stared at the wall for a minute or so then started talking. Well, more like cried. "I went to see my counselor because she called me in to discuss my grades and what not. Then she told me that keeping my baby could lead to me not going to college and my whole life was going to be ruined. Also, she brought up how it would ruin Natty's life if I can't properly take care of her. So, I considered giving Natty up for adoption because it's what's best for her. Then I told Niall and he flipped shit about it. Then he yelled at me about it as soon as Louis walked in, and I wanted to wait to tell Louis, yet he found out and now he hates me and won't ever talk to me again!" I took a really long and loud, over exaggerated inhale then continued to cry.

My mum didn't say anything, only continuing to comfort me by running her fingers through my hair. She looked down at me with pity and sadness then exhaled deeply. "I'm so sorry, love. I know this must be difficult for you. But remember, only go through with the decision that you want to make. Not what someone else wants. So, if you felt that giving her up was the best option before you talked to your counselor, then go for it. But if you're only making this decision because your school counselor told you too then completely forget about it." She said calmly and straight forward.

"I don't know anymore, mummy. I want to keep her, but I also want what's best for her." I whined.

"What do you think is best for her?" She asked.

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