Chapter 33

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Heller! Thank you guys so so very much for everything you've done for this story. I hope this happens to my other stories. It's been great writing this with you guys as my support. I owe it all to you. Please check out my other stories, Therapy, Larry Stylinson one shots, and my new one Friends with Benefits. Thanks guys! Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up to the most beautiful sounds of all time. I turned and smiled as Natty slowly kicked her legs up as she quietly cried. Louis was dead asleep with Natty on his chest. Knowing that he might not wake at this point, I slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in my lower abdomen, and picked up my tiny baby girl.
When I say tiny, I mean tiny. Hearing that she barely made the healthy weight was quite relieving yet very scary. That means that she was so close to not being healthy, but she is, so I have nothing to worry about.
I laid Natty down on my lap, gliding my finger over her tiny Louis nose, trying to calm her down. I could tell that she needed a nappy change, so I reached over and grabbed the tiny nappy and changed her, singing a short lullaby to calm her down. Once she was all clean, I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture and posted it on Instagram.

 Once she was all clean, I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture and posted it on Instagram

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Little feet and little hands. Tiny nose and sparkling eyes. These were some of the things that I was given in the night. Beautiful Natty is finally here. I love you baby girl. You're the light in my life, the skip in my feet, and my whole world. I'm so proud to be your daddy. Welcome home, Angel.

I smiled as I got lots of likes and comments instantly. The first was from my mum and Niall. He was freaking out over the fact that I didn't tell him sooner and that he has to come and visit. I laughed as I replied to him, saying that once I can have visitors, I'll make sure he met her. Of course, family had to visit first, so once we got all of them out of the way, then friends can come by.
It wasn't until another half hour passed when Louis finally decided to wake up. He scrunched his nose up ever so adorably, and sat up as he rubbed his eyes. He went to say something when suddenly he began to freak out. He hit his chest, his stomach and legs. Then he looked over the edge of the bed, standing up faster than lightning.

"B-baby?! Baby--where's the baby?! Oh, my god! I had one job--one job--" Louis cut himself off as he searched the room, tears streaming down his face. I called for him, trying to tell him she was with me, but he wasn't having it.

"Louis!" I shouted, causing him to pause in his place. He whimpered and shook his head. "She's okay...she's right here." I pointed down at my side where Natty was asleep, soundly. "See? She's okay. She's okay."

Louis sighed of relief, walking back over to us, picking up Natty and holding her up on his shoulder as my mum walked in. "Did I miss something?" She asked, setting a duffle bag down.

"I'll tell you later." I mumbled, whining at the sudden pains in my stomach. I reached my arm over to the call button, waiting for the nurse to come in. My mum settled by my side, moving my hair out of the way when the nurse came in quickly.

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