Chapter 31

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Heller! Good to see more people reading, it's nice. Sorry for putting you through crap, but it's bound to happen with Larry. It's natural 😏 but it'll get better with time. Okay, enjoy this chapter! Please comment and vote, enjoy! Warning: triggering events

Louis' P.O.V.

I don't think I've ever cried as much as I have in these passed few weeks. I don't think I've ever really experienced true heart break before. I don't think I've ever felt so empty without a specific person by my side. I'd never thought I'd love someone who was as amazing, spontaneous, kind, loving, beautiful--much more--than Harry. I'd never thought I'd be without him or even want him at every single breathing moment. I never knew that I could hurt so bad to the point when living wasn't even an option in my mind. I'd never thought I'd feel this way.
I'd been alone for who knows how long. I've pushed away Zayn and Liam and even my family because I was nothing without Harry. They could've tried all they'd like to make me happy, but unless it was Harry knocking on my door, I'd refuse the aid every time. I don't even think my mum had noticed that I was sad or alone. She's probably just focusing her time on the kids that she actually cares about.
I don't mind anymore. I've lived long enough to know that even if I was her first child, I'll always be her last priority. I can see why the twins, Doris and Ernest, are getting more attention than I am. They're babies, they can't fend for themselves, but I just hate how I can't even reach out to my own mother when I'm having troubles. She either won't care or just yell at me for whatever dumb reason she has up her ass.
Liam and Zayn came over earlier. They tried talking to me, but all I did was ignore them and look blankly at the bassinet across my room. Harry's and my picture was on the desk next to it. We were both happy and together without a care in the world. It was a time when all that mattered was each other. Anne took that photo a little after we found out we were having a little girl and a bit after we named her. We were in the "honeymoon" stage at the time. It was a great time indeed, but that time may never come back.

Zayn kept trying to pull me out of bed while Liam tried persuading me into getting out myself. Neither plan was working very well for the two boys, but that was the least of my problems.

"Come on, man! You can't just lay here forever!" Zayn shouted, shaking my shoulder.

"I did it the day Harry left me. I can do it again." I mumbled, still having a hold of the promise ring I got Harry, the engagement ring still resting on my nightstand by his photo.

"Louis, this isn't healthy for you. You can't keep doing this." Liam tried, pulling lightly on my arm to get me to turn over, but failed.

"I don't care anymore. If Harry doesn't care about me then I don't care about me." I whined, slowly crying all over again for what felt like the one millionth time.

"Oh my fucking god! Louis! Harry is just a stupid boy, okay?! He's not your life source or anything! He's not that important!" Zayn yelled, snapping at me like he never had before.

That caused me to snap. No one is allowed to say that about Harry and get away with it. I shot up from my spot and tackled him to the ground. Not like the many times we were just goofing off, but for real this time with much anger and force. His head hit the ground with a loud smack, causing him to yelp out in pain. "Don't you dare say that about my Harry! You have no right to say those things because you don't understand!"

"Louis, get off of him! You're hurting--" Liam tried to pull me off, but I aggressively pushed him away, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You even try to say those things about him and I won't hesitate to kill you myself, you understand me?!" I shouted, tugging him up slightly and pushing him back down. "Do you understand me, bitch?!"

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