Chapter 3

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A/N Heller!!!...and goodbye!!!

Louis' P.O.V.

     I woke up, feeling really sweaty and awkward. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the sun coming through the window. I go to sit up, but feel a weight on my chest. I look down and see some random chick sleeping contently on my chest. I softly and slowly lift her off and lay her back on the bed. I scramble up off the bed and quickly put my clothes back on. Once I was dressed and looked decent, I made my way over to the window, and snuck out like I've done many times before.
     Incase you were wondering, yes, I had yet another one night stand. Of course it didn't mean anthing, but what one night stand would? It all just started when I went to a get together with a couple of friends the night before, and one of my friends' girlfriends brought a friend along and we kind of just hit it off. Well, she thought we did. I thought that we legitimately "hit it off." As rude as that sounded, I couldn't care less.
     My one night stands never meant anything to me. They were with people I only found attractive, and seemed like they'd be a good fuck. Nothing more. So, that's why I've been questioning why I want to hook up with Harry so much. I mean, he's so innocent. He's the kid that my friends push around and who I bully. It makes absolutely no sense. Maybe I just want to try something new? I don't even know at this point, but I'm so determined that it's scary.
     Yeah, I have to admit Harry is very attractive. Very, very attractive. He's honestly like the hottest human being I've ever seen. Even hotter than celebrities, and I guess that says a lot. He's like Jesus but more heavenly. Or Brad Pitt but sexier. He's just over all around attractive. It's not even fair.
     I thought this as I made my way down the street, which was quite close to my house. Not that I care. I absolutely hate my house, but my mum won't let me leave until I graduate from high school. Which doesn't make sense since she doesn't give two shits about me.
     I turn the corner to my street and rush up to my house, remembering that I was already late for school. I need to spice Harry up more before Saturday comes along. I rushed inside and booked it into my room to avoid my mum and get changed and freshen up as fast as I could. Once I was finished, I made my way back downstairs, but unfortunately for me, my mum was at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed.

     "Where have you been?" She asked, voice stern.

     "None of your business." I snapped back.

     "You're my son, Louis. It makes it my business if you don't show up after you went out until the next morning. Now tell me where the hell you've been!"

     I winced at the volume of her, but took a few steps closer to her. "Do you really want to know the truth?" I paused before continuing, seeing that her expression was still the same. "I was banging sluts, mum. You happy now?!" Before I knew it, I felt her hand make contact with my face and a stinging sensation left behind. I looked at her with shock and anger. All she did was glare.

     "You're just like your father! You're just like him!" She shouted as tears began to brim her eyes.

     I shook my head and rushed passed her before she could yell anymore. "You fucking bastard! You're gonna end up just like him! You're ruining your life! You hear me?! You're ruining your--" I slammed the door as hard as I could and just ran. I ran away from it all. My mother, my so called home, and from my problems; I ran away from my fears.
     You see, my father was a messed up drunk who would beat my mother and I and bring home random girls just to get laid. He never was there for us, and when he was he was sipping on some bottles of wine. I don't think there's ever been a day where he was sober. He never got a job. He always stayed at home and did nothing but drink. He was every and any bad thing you could think of. He was racist, sexist, heartless--you name it. Then when we thought the worse was over, he left. Without a word, without a warning. He just...left.
     That's why I will not tolerate my mother saying that I'm just like him. I'm nothing like him. I've never laid a hand on her or any of my siblings, I don't even drink alcohol, and I don't sleep with people for self pleasure. I do it for comfort. I do it to feel love or at least something besides anger or loss. I've never felt that way towards my parents, nor have I ever received it. And all those people I've been with have been able to give that to me temporarily. That's the only reason I do it. Nothing more.
     Everyone wonders why I don't just settle down with someone or go steady with them. It's because I'm worried that if I get attached, they'll just leave, and I'll be left alone and broken. You can't trust anyone. No matter how amazing they may seem. You just can't.
     I made it to the school grounds, but I didn't stop running until I was almost to my next class. Once I was there, I stood outside of it to catch my breath and fix up my hair a bit. When I was breathing normal again, I walked in like it was no one's business.

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