Chapter 9

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A/N Hey, this one is going to be very short--more like a filler, but the next two chapters will be more interesting. Kk enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

      I'm pregnant. I've finally come down to those terms. I completely believe it now. Because every time that I throw up or eat something absurd or start crying out of nowhere, I know it's my baby causing it. Every night I lay out the ultrasound sound picture and smile and kiss it before I go to sleep. It's not really anything at the moment. Just a blob and a heart, but it's my blob...Louis' blob.
     I've been itching to tell him--anyone, but I know that I can't. Not until I've made my decision. I've been trying my hardest not to become attached because that could jeopardise my final decision. But for some odd reason, I always find myself with my hand on my unnoticeable bump.
     The week has been going on terribly slow, and it's making me very irritated. I've also been acting strange around my mum and Niall because I feel so paranoid that they know about the baby. I can't let them know, but I want them to so bad. And Louis...I don't even know about him. I'm honestly way too terrified to see the outcome of him finding out. I don't know if he'll be happy about it or mad. I don't know if he'll want it or not, and I most certainly don't know if he'll even care or not. It's just like what he said: he doesn't care about me. Well, the baby is apart of me, therefore he doesn't care for the baby. That thought makes my heart shatter.
     I walked down the hall with my books in front of my stomach, hiding it in case it's somehow noticeable to anyone, and kept my head down on my way to my locker. The halls buzzed with the familiar sound of gossip and laughter. That was until I turned the corner.

     "Oh look! It's whorey Harry!" Zayn shouted from down the hall. The people around laughed at the false nickname. I hung my head low as Liam and Zayn walked up to me, Louis not that far behind.

     "You shaking in your boots, fag?!" Liam shouted as he pushed me, roughly. I just took a step back and made sure my stomach was protected. "Answer me, you cunt!" Liam yelled as he pushed me onto the floor. My books fell out of my hands, allowing my stomach to be exposed. I immediately pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.

     "You're pathetic! You're such a loser!" Zayn shouted and kicked my chin. Thank goodness my baby was shielded. But I, on the other hand, still felt pain. As he kicked me again, I whimpered and hid my face from everyone.

     Before I could feel another kick, I heard Zayn gasp and fall to the floor. I looked up to see Louis standing above him with an angered face. The whole hallway was shocked.

     "What the hell man?!" Zayn shouted.

     "Just forget about him." Louis shouted and started walking away. He looked down at me with no emotion. "He's not worth it." For a moment, I saw a small smile ghost across his lips but fade quicker than it came. Before I could say thank you, he walked off down the hall, Zayn and Liam following in tow.

     I sighed of relief and got up from the floor and gathered my things. I couldn't help but smile as I rewind to the moment of when Louis was looking into my eyes and I swore there were butterflies dancing with my child. I've never felt so much warmth.

                           ~ ~ ~

     After school that day, I met up with Niall just to hang out since I've got my morning sickness under control. We met up at the park to work on some homework and to catch up on things. When I arrived, Niall was smiling, but his head tilted to the side, stating that he was confused. I covered my stomach, feeling self conscious and kept my head down.

     "What's up, H?" Niall asked as I sat beside him, around the tree. "You look different."

     My body tense and my eyes widened. I involuntarily wrapped my arms around myself and sat down, quickly.

     "What? Nothing is different about me. Why would you think anything is different? No difference. I'm not different. Stop saying I'm different." I rambled.

     Niall looked surprised by my tiny outburst. "Chill, man. I just thought your hair looked longer." He said, holding his arms up in defense.

     I relaxed a bit and slumped against the tree, pulling out my Chemistry books. "Oh. Okay. Sorry." I said quietly.

     It was silent for a bit when I decided that I was going to tell Niall about what had happened in the hall today.

     "So...this morning on my way to class...I kind of got pushed around by Liam and Zayn." I started out. Niall dropped his things to the side and sat up attentively. Now I've got his attention. "At first...I thought that he was gonna kill me. I mean, he nearly kicked my ba--" I stopped talking, holding back from what I was about to say. "My um...m-my back. You know how much I hate that." Niall looked at me, confused. "Anyway, I thought I was going to get the beat down of the century when..." I stopped talking, lost in the memory of when Louis and I looked into each other's eyes. How I felt a real connection between me, him and our baby. It was one of the greatest feelings I've felt in a long time. Maybe it's just the hormones.

     "When..." Niall said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

     "Oh! Right. Sorry, lost my train of thought. Um...where was I? Oh, okay. Then out of nowhere, Louis pushes him down and--"

     "Wait!" Niall interrupted. "Louis?"

     "Yep. Anyway, he pushed him down and told him that he should forget about me and that I wasn't worth it--"

     "That doesn't sound like something you should be happy about." Niall said, amused.

     "Hold on Niall. I'm getting there. Stop interrupting me." I whined out of nowhere, causing Niall to laugh and make me slightly emotional. God, I've got to work on this hormone craze.

     "Okay...but when he walked passed me, he looked at me, like...really looked at me. And the best part was when he smiled. It was nice." I started tearing up just imagining that cute little smile that barely made it to the surface of his lips. I few tears escaped my eyes but I hadn't really noticed until Niall pointed it out.

     "Dude, are you crying?" Niall asked, scooting closer to me.

     "Am I? Wow. Sorry, it's just the hormones." I stated, whipping away the tears and laughed.

     "Hormones? Are you on your man period or something?" Niall joked.

     "No, it's just the..." Then I remembered. Niall doesn't know about the baby. He can't know. Not yet. The thought made me really sad, and I let one tear fall before whipping it away. I turned to look at him and smiled the fakest smile I've ever held. "No, it''s the season change. You now I get emotional when the seasons change."

     Beyond the worst lie ever.

     Niall seemed skeptical about my response and stared at me with a confused look. I squirmed under his stare. I didn't even look at him. "Harry, is something wrong?"

     I tried to laugh, failing miserably. I didn't look at him as I spoke. I couldn't handle straight up lying to his face. "No, nothing's wrong. Everything is...fine." I finally looked up at him and tried to smile once again. He looked more sad than confused. Him being my best friend of forever, he knew that I was lying.

     "Hey, um...can we--can we just get to our Maths homework already?" I asked as I whipped away the remaining streeks from my tears off my cheeks and put my books in front of me.

     "It's Chemistry." Niall corrected.

     "Right. Chemistry." I said, unhappily.

     The rest of the time, we worked in silence, along with occasional questions but nothing much. Even after half of a week I knew I couldn't go through this alone. I couldn't even keep my mouth shut and almost outed the baby to Niall. Not to mention, I feel terrible about kepping it a secret. I feel like I'm ashamed of it and I don't want it to think that I'm ashamed of them. I knew I had to tell Niall at one point. Because by the time Friday came, Louis had accidentally run into me and accidentally rested his hand on my slowly growing stomach as he apologized then walk away, and I wanted to tell Niall all about it.


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