Chapter 29

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Heller lovely people!!! It's so exciting and sad that this story is coming to an end! 😭 but I've had a lot of fun writing this story and I'm going to keep writing more. If you didn't already know, I've started writing a new Larry Stylinson story called Therapy. Please check it out if you'd like. Also, guard season had started up again, so I won't be able to update as much as I'd like, but I'll keep updating when I can. Okay, enjoy this next chapter...please don't hate me...

Louis' P.O.V.

It was all set. I was actually going to ask Harry to marry me. I decided that I'd ask him in the football field before my game after school. Liam and Zayn and some kids that actually like Harry, are helping me out with the proposal. I planned on waiting till after our warm-ups to spontaneously ask him. Of course I was going to have a speach, and I was going to bring him onto the field and ask him. There really isn't a thought in my mind that he was going to say no since we both loved each other very much. Why would he even want to say no anyways?
It took a lot for me to do it, but I asked Anne for her permission. She was very skeptical about it considering my past and what not, but she saw how much I loved her son, and she couldn't say no. My mum still isn't pleased with it since she thinks I don't really love him, but believe me I do. It's much to hard to explain how much I do, but if anyone asked me on the spot if I loved him and I only had a few seconds to answer them, I'd say yes instantly.
All day, it's been a struggle keeping this arrangement from Harry. I feel bad and like I'm lying to him. I know I'm not, but it's still nerve wracking. I do know of the rumors going around about me, and I only hope that Harry doesn't believe them when they say that I've gone back to my old ways. That's the last thing I need since I'm going to ask him to marry me at the end of the day.
Currently, Harry is at the doctors for his last visit. Sadly, I couldn't be there since it'd be an unexcused absence. He'll be back later, so that gave me more time to plan. He sent me a video of the ultrasound, and it was quite amusing to see Natty wiggling around with the little amount of room she has left.
It was also very exciting and scary all at once that Natty was due in less than five and a half weeks. It's insane how much time has gone by since the day Harry and I found out we were having a baby together. I'll admit that at the beginning, I didn't want to take on a child since I was a child myself, but I've grown a lot since then, and now I can't wait to be able to proudly say I'm a daddy. Or papa at Harry's request since he wanted to be daddy, but I wasn't complaining.
I was walking down the hall when I nearly ran into someone. I quickly apologized but was grabbed by the arm and pulled back. I went to yell at whoever it was until I saw someone that I never wanted to see on the face of this planet ever again: Nick Grimshaw. I yanked my arm away and glared at him as he just simply and arrogantly smirked in his place.

"What the hell do you want?!" I shouted, scarying a few people walking by.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to see how you were holding up since...well, you know." He said, not a single drop of guilt or remorse in his voice.

I nearly punched him in the face as he spoke, but I resented myself not to. "You have no right to speak of that. You almost killed my daughter! You shouldn't feel any ounce of pride in that at all."

"Okay, I get it. You're mad about that--"

"Mad?! You think I'm mad?! Oh, I'm far passed mad. If I didn't have this little ounce of common sense left in me, I'd already have beaten you senseless! So say one more thing about Harry or my baby, I swear to God I will kill you myself!"

I hadn't noticed it until I felt a calm hand on my shoulder that I was a mere few centimetres from Nick with him aggressively pressed against the wall. I lossened my grip on his shirt as I was pulled away by Liam and down the other hallway.

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