*1* The Kuran Family

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*3rd Person*

In the middle of the forest a mansion with a beautiful and happy family lived in.

The mother, Juri Kuran, with her long, curly brown hair and big wine red eyes.

The father, Haruka Kuran with his short messy brown-red hair and his red eyes.

The big brother/ Son, Kaname Kuran with the looks of his father.

And finally, Yuuki Kuran, with the beautiful looks of her mother.

Everyone thought the family was such a kind and merciful family, even though the were Vampire Purebloods.

Little did they know that was all wrong.

There in the basement sat another young Kuran Pureblood.

Yuuka Kuran, her Long brown hair and big, blue and beautiful sapphire eyes. The things that cursed her and made her family hate her.

All because of her eyes looking like her uncles and not wine red like her parents, did they think she was a monster. A soon to be murderer.

They separated her from Yuuki hoping that the two knew nothing of each other but little did they know, they did know each other.

Little Yuuki was just laid in bed and kissed goodnight by her parents and big brother before they all walked out to got to sleep.

"Haruka dear, I'm worried about Yuuki. She has been really sleepy lately. I'm worried that she hasn't been sleeping at night." Juri said to her husband as she changed into her night gown and climbed into bed.

"Don't worry my love." He said climbing into the bed. "Shes probably just extra sleepy from all the playing she does with Kaname. You know how close those two are. They are perfect for each other." Haruka said smiling as he snuggled close to his wife.

"Your right. They are perfect, unlike that monster in the basement." she said, scrunching her nose up in disgust as she thought about Yuuka.

"Yes, you are right my dear. " Haruka said, copying her face.

"Good night dear. " Juri said drifting off into sleep.

"Goodnight... " Haruka said, following her actions as he fell asleep.

In the other room though Yuuki was wide awake listening for her parents to fall asleep and when they did she crawled out of bed and tip toed out of her room and down, through the halls.

As she came close to a door, hidden in the shadows, she reached up on her tippy toes and grabbed the door handle as she turned it and opened it.

She then quickly ran down the steps as fast as her two little legs could carry her.

Once she reached another door at the bottom of steps she did the same thing she did at the first door and opened it.

As soon as she did though she was engulfed in a giant hug.

"Yuuki! " a girls voice squealed quietly as she hugged the young girl.

"Hi Yuuka! I missed you! " Yuuki squealed quietly as she hugged the young girl back.

Yuuka giggled quietly at her sisters response. "I just saw you last night though Yuuki."

The two girls were happy together and looked being sisters even though Yuukas eyes were different.

That night the two girls played together until they lost track of te and made the mistake when Yuuki got sleepy and fell asleep in Yuuka's bed.

The two of them were cuddled together as they held each others hand as they slept.

The next night (They sleep during the day) when Juri woke up and went to Yuuki's room she was shocked and worried when she didn't see Yuuki in her bed.

She quickly ran to her and her husband's room and woke him up.

"Haruka! Haruka! Wake up! I can't find Yuuki! Wake up!" She yelled, as she shook her husband.

As soon as he heard she couldn't find Yuuki, he jumped out of bed as Kaname ran into the room.

He heard what his mother said with his enhanced hearing skills.
They all began searching around the house until they all ended up in the living room.

"Did you find her?" Kaname asked. They both replied with a shake of their heads.

Then one thought popped in all of their heads as they thought of the one place they didn't check yet. The basement.

They all quickly ran towards the door and opened before running the steps and busting Yuuka's door open.

Inside the room on the bed, were the two girls sleeping and holding their hands as they smiled.

The three of them stood shocked as they stared at the scene in front of them.

Most people would say 'awwwwww' but of course the Kurans were not most people.

Juri quickly stomped forward and pulled Yuuki out of Yuuka's bed, startling the two as they woke up.

Yuuki looked around confused until her eyes landed on her mother.

"Ma-""How dare you come out of your room, kidnap my daughter, and force her to sleep in your bed! You disgusting monster!" Juri yelled, cutting Yuuki of before she could do anything.

"I-i..." Yuuka tried to say something but was cut off when Juri came forward and slapped the little child, makeing her fly over onto her side, on the bed.

"Stay in this room and don't come out or else I will kill you." Haruka said sternly before walking out of the room.

Kaname lingered behind a bit though as he watched his little sister cry on her bed as she held her Now red cheek.

Truth be told, he really did not hat his sister. He actually cared and loved her as he did with Yuuki but he couldn't show it because his parents would be very unhappy with him.

It crushed his heart as he watched Yuuka cry. It just about killed him when Yuuki began crying as well as she tried to get out of their mothers grip as she reached for Yuuka as she yelled her name over and over again.

Both of his sisters crying in sadness and pained hurted him very deeply.

He sighed as he tried to block out his sisters crying as he walked up the stairs following his parents.

*Yuukas P. O. V*

I sat on my bed as I cried and held onto my red cheek.

I don't get why my parents hate me. I mean I know my eyes are the same color as my uncle and my uncle is a bad man but still.

Both of my eyes are blue and only one of his eyes are blue.

I mean come on! His other eye is the same wine red as their eyes but they still don't care about it.

I also felt bad when they took Yuuki away. It's all my fault that she might get in trouble Now.

I was thinking about what I should do when a thought passed through my mind.

Run away.

Run away? Maybe I should Run away.... I mean no one will miss me here... And Yuuki won't get in trouble because of me.... Yuuki....

I don't wanna leave Yuuki. I love Yuuki. She was the only one to show me kindness and be nice to me while all the others were mean.

But still... I want Yuuki to be safe so maybe I should go.... Yea....i think I will.

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