Girls Practice

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(Using the Arks's Song The Light as JYPr6G song to compete for debut, I know there's only 5 of them but let's just pretend there's 6)

Italics is when they speak in english

*Rins POV*

I walked into the JYP building and was greeted by the staff I smiled and bowed to every staff member I saw while walking to the practice room. "Annyeong Unnie!" I turned my head to see Sohee and the others as they all walked in "Annyeong Sohee" I smiled back and bowed to the others, "Did you all meet up before coming here?" I asked and Raejoon nodded her head "We tried calling to get you to meet us too, but looks like you were more interested in your music" Sohee laughed. Sohee, Jessy and I were really close, we've been friends since our auditions, we all clicked when we all spoke the same languages, and we always cheered each other on, and now after a month the 6 of us were put in a group together, and I couldn't be more happy.

"Unnie, Do we still have to practice our debut song?" Jessy asked and I gave her a weird look "Why else would we be here? We have to beat the guys in these next competitions so we can debut before them, we need to practice as mush as we can, soon we could be sharing the stage with known idols" I smiled "Ahh Like SHINee, or BIGBANG, 2NE1, 2PM!" Bo Na cheered and we all looked at her "Raejoon is dating Seungri, we can meet Bigbang when ever we want, and 2PM are our JYP brothers, we see them all the time" Hyekyung said and Bo Na calmed down "Sorry still not used to this whole Kpop idol thing yet" she smiled.

I turned on the music for our Debut competition song "The Light" (yes the song by The Ark) and all practised the dance for about an hour, before the boys came barging in. "YA! You girls are doing okay" JJ Teased while walking in "What do you want?" Raejoon asked crossing her arms, "Wow hurtful, we just wanted to watch and see how you were doing" Jae smiled and I rolled my eyes "Guys come on we're trying to practice please can you just go" Sohee asked nicely, Hyunwoo walked over and threw his arm around her and gave her a pouty face "Can't we just watch please" He said and Sohee let out a sigh and looked at me "You guys can watch just please don't distract us" I said and turned the music on as we stood in front of the mirrors and practiced.

After We finished we turned to the guys whos jaws were dropped "What?" I asked and Key looked at us "You guys already have your dance, memorized, and vocals, rap everything?" he said and I nodded my head "wow" He smiled "how far have you guys gotten?" Sohee asked and Key scratched his head while the others pretended not to hear anything "We got the vocals and rap down, not the performance part" He said and we all laughed "And here I thought you just came in to judge us" Bo Na smiled "Oh we did, but than we realized you have more done than we do" Dylan said than they all walked out.

*Sohee's POV*

Why did he have to do that to me, why did Hyunwoo have to put his arm around me and pout, he knew I was attracted to him so why did he have to tease me like that, Even during our practise he kept looking at me and smiling, and I thought for sure I...

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Why did he have to do that to me, why did Hyunwoo have to put his arm around me and pout, he knew I was attracted to him so why did he have to tease me like that, Even during our practise he kept looking at me and smiling, and I thought for sure I was going to mess up but luckily I didn't or else i would have had a bit of explaining to do to Rin. We all turned our heads as the door opened and the big man him self walked in "Annyeonghaseyo JYP" we all said with a bow. "Annyeong, you all know you can call me, Jinyoung right?  Rin can I see you out in the hall" He said and we all looked at her a bit worried as she walked out.

"Ya what do you think he needs her for?" Raejoon asked and we all shrugged our shoulders "You two you're close friends of hers, did she do something wrong? Is she being pulled out of JYP?" When Bo Na asked if she was being pulled out of JYP it angered me a bit that she would even think that "Ya! Rin is JYP's niece he can't kick her out" Jessy said and I looked at her in surprise and hit her arm "YA! We were supposed to keep that a secret!" I yelled and she quickly covered her mouth, how were we supposed to tell Rin without losing her trust, she wanted to tell the rest of them when she was ready.

We all stood inside for an hour in silence than Rin finally returned "Rin when were you going to tell us that-" I quickly ran over and covered Hyekyung's mouth before she finished and smiled at Rin "Tell you what?" She said "Tell us that, that uhh" "Tell us that JYP was stopping by" Jessy covered for me and I let out a smile "Guys I didn't even know he was stopping by myself" She smiled and walked back over to the stereo "Unnie you mention anything, about what she told you, I will not be happy with you" I said and Hykyung nodded her head understanding, knowing it was suppose to be kept a secret.

*Rin Pov*

"Annyeong, you know you can call me Jinyoung right? Rin can I see you out in the hall" JYP asked, I nodded my head and walked to the hall and saw Dylan outside also "Whats going on?" I asked "The staff and I have talked it over and we have decided to name you two the money makers of your groups" He said and we both looked at eachother "Money makers?" We asked and he nodded his head "Since you're both young, and good looking kids, You will be asked to be in CF's, modeling, and we're thinking about Acting in Dramas, Webshows, and Movies too, if that is okay with you?" He asked and Dylan looked at him "Since when do you ask if it is okay with us?" He asked "Since I'm his niece and if I complain to his older brother than its not good for him" I said and Dylans eyes went wide "Niece? Did you even need to audition?!" He asked and I nodded my head "He didn't remember who I was till after I got in, because he said my name and said my looks were familiar but he couldn't pinpoint it, cause I lived in Canada and Samchon (uncle) Lives here in Korea, so he couldn't remember" I said and he nodded in understanding "Well, both of you are going to be shooting your first CF for sprite next week, so lets go to my office, and go over everything" He said and we followed him.

We read over the papers, and I was actually excited it was being shot just on the street with water, and I got to run and expload into water I thought it was the coolest thing "Wait so I have to pretend I find her attractive" Dylan laughed causing me to hit him in the arm "Yah! What do you mean pretend, I am attractive" I hissed making him laugh, Dylan smiled at me while I glarred, "I can never take you serious" He laughed and I stuck my tounge out at him, Dylan is another close friend I've had since the Auditions, and I was excited to compete against him, and also work with him. We signed the papers to do the CF and walked back down to our practice rooms.

"Rin when were you going to tell us that-" Sohee quickly ran over and covered Hyekyung's mouth and I became confused. but decided to ignore it instead.

Sorry for the really bad first Chapter This is my first time ever writing a story so I hope with each chapter I will get better (The next chapter will be about the boys)

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