Happy birthday Oppa!

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*Jae pov*
I was happy that JYP was getting new Trainees that meant we had two days off, yesterday he went to China and today he was in Japan, although is sucked that he wouldn't be here for my 18th at least I could spend it with Rin, I hoped, she always planned ahead for what she wanted to do, yesterday she spent time with the trainees, talked to Sohee about how making Hyunwoo jealous wasn't the right thing to do and how hurt he was by it. So I'm hoping that distracted her from making plans today.
"Hyung!" I turned seeing Hyunwoo as he walked up with the others "happy birthday Hyung lets go do something" he smiled and I let out a sigh "actually I was going to see if Rin was-" "she's busy come on lets go" Key said grabbing my arm and we all walked out, my only birthday wish was to find time to hang out with Rin but with the Hyungs I doubt that would happen..

*Sohee pov*
I walked around trying to find Hyunwoo when I saw him walking out with Jae "oppa!" I called out and Hyunwoo stopped and looked at me and so did everyone else, I felt bad for not apologizing to him yesterday but today I was ready too "what is it?" He asked and I hesitated a bit "can I talk to you?" I asked and he shook his head "no you had yesterday to do that, I'm going out I don't have time, it's Hyungs birthday and I'm not dealing with you today I'm sorry" he said and my heart just dropped as he ran off to catch up with the others, is this how broken he felt yesterday??

*Rins pov*
I had everything set up the lights his present, and everyone was here got7, Twice, day6, MissA, 2pm, 2am,  only one missing was my uncle but I knew he would make up for it tomorrow "where's Sohee??" Jessy asked and I smiled "there she is Dongsang hurry up!" I smiled and I saw she was hurt "I tried to apologize but-" "I know Sohee but give him time he wants to focus on Jae today since it's his 18th birthday try talking to him tomorrow before we go on for the subunit results okay?" I said and he smiled nodding her head "oh and the guys took Jae out..." She said and my eyes went wide "SERIOUSLY?!" I yelled and she nodded, I grabbed my phone and texted Jae knowing he would listen to me "oppa I planned something for you can you come pleaseeeee I really wanna spend time with you oppa please!!!!" I put my phone in my pocket and seconds later  it went off "Ne I'll be right over :)" I smiled reading his text and put the presents in place I looked at the cake and smiled it was a picture of everyone in JYP from our first One Mic concert it was one of my favourite memories besides getting hurt.

*JJ pov*
"Guys Rin really needs me back and JYP can we go?" Jae pleaded and we all looked at each other, Raejoon told us to distract Jae how could Rin be ready for him already? I thought but we shrugged it off "yeah sure, just here" Key smiled and Jae's eyes went wide "it's a key something Rin and JYP put it together so it's only fair if they take you too it" Key smiled and so did Jae "even thought I don't know what it is I'm nervous" he laughed and so did we "now lets go Rin awaits" KH laughed and we all turned to walk back. "I don't know where she is though" Jae sighed and took out his phone "Hyung we know where she is put your phone away" Hyunwoo laughed and Jae listened. "Nuna! We're here!" Hyunwoo called out while opening the door and Jae walked in "Happy birthday Jae!!!!" Everyone called and Jae's eyes went wide "waaaaa it looks amazing" he smiled "it was all Rin she kinda forced us all to listen to her, you know her and her planning everything has to be perfect" Jessy laughed and Rin nudged her "I didn't get something like this" Hyekyung sighed "you got a party though" Sohee said and she nodded her head.

*Jae pov*
I walked in the room and saw all the lights even though it's not something that was really my style it was the thought that counted I looked over and saw how happy Rin was and that brought a smile to my face "you have to see your cake Dongsang!" Raejoon called out and I walked over and looks at it "One Mic..." I said and Rin looked at me a little worried "the day you got hurt the day I was so scared that you wouldn't be able to dance again" I said and Rins eyes turned sad "but all of us are there like a nation JYP nation, I love it" I smiled hugging her and she hugged me back "ahh oppa you have to see what I got you!" She smiled and ran to the closet bringing out a jacket "I saw you looking at it once in a store so I saved up and got it for you" she smiled and my smile grew bigger, I put the jacket on in front of her and popped the collar a bit making her laugh.

" I said and Rin looked at me a little worried "the day you got hurt the day I was so scared that you wouldn't be able to dance again" I said and Rins eyes turned sad "but all of us are there like a nation JYP nation, I love it" I smiled hugging h...

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*key pov*
Seeing Rin and Jae together hurt a bit we both really liked her but Jae is coming out more with his feeling to her but I think Rin is too blind to see that, I don't think she chooses to accept Jae or I to her heart yet because she's more focused on her career than a relationship which is totally acceptable, but it also hurts to see how happy others make her and knowing that I'm just sitting here watching and not doing much doesnt help.
"Ahh Ajussi!" We all turned our heads to Dylan's voice and saw JYP standing in The door way "uncle you're back!" Rin smiled and ran to hug JYP "how was Japan?" She smiled and he smiled back it was good what's going on here?" He asked and we all looked at each other "it's Jae's birthday uncle remember the present we got him we have to show him!!" Rin said tugging on JYPs arm making him laugh I looked back at Bae Suzy who looked upset for the longest time it was always her before anyone in JYP because Ajussi treated her like a daughter but now with his own family in his company he treats Hyorin before anyone.

*JYP pov*
I walked into Dance room C to a lot of voices and when I opened the door I saw everyone excluding the trainees all the groups together talking, and having fun together. "Come on if you want to see your gift" I smiled to Jae and everyone followed, we walked down pretending to be tourists till we got to a building "open the door" I said and Jae unlocked the door and we all walked in we stood there in the dark and I turned on the lights "wait this isn't funny" Jae said and Rin smiled "I have a dance studio?!" He exclaimed and I nodded "you've been asking to train the trainees for a while now so I decided to get you a studio and allow you to train them as the main dancer of the guys" I said and Jae smiled "Komawo!" Jae smiled hugging Rin while spinning her around than bowed to me and looked around the studio "ahh and Hyekyung I got you a modelling gig for CeCi I didn't forget about you" I smiled and so did she "Komawo Ajussi" she smiled. I knew these rookies we're going to change the face of JYP the 12 of them together are so close and have a bond similar to that got YGs Bigbang and 2NE1 which is what I had hoped for.

*Jae pov*
We ended my birthday with a bang, a studio something I have always wanted, and I finally got one I always respected Ajussi but going out of his way to do this for my birthday allowed me to respect him 1000x more. It was one of the best birthday ever even though I didn't really get alone time with Rin, what she planned for me is more than I could ever ask for.

Sorry about the really bad chapter I didn't really know how to write it.

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