Sprite CF

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(CF for Rin and Dylan)

*Sohee Pov*

"Sohee-ah!" Rin called out "didn't you leave for your commercial shoot?" I asked and she shook her head "I want you to come with me" she smiled and I shook my head "Unnie this is your time to get our group known I don't want to be in your way" I said than walked off "Well I just thought because Dylan is bringing Hyunwoo that-" "Hyunwoo?" I said and she smiled "So you'll come?" She asked "Fine" I sighed and we walked out "So you come for Hyunwoo..." She teased and I glared at her "Aish, I hate you sometimes" I glared and she gave me huge smile "That's okay I love you always" She smiled hugging my arm, making me smile, even though Rin was older than me, there were a lot of times when she acted younger that me. "OPPA!" Rin called out running to Dylan and Parker, Yes Hyunwoo's english name is Parker.

"Annyeong" I smiled and so did Parker "Okay lets go" Rin said and we all got in the van and JYPs assistant drove "So JYP can make our groups but yet we don't have a manager yet?" Dylan sighed and I looked over at him "You guys don't have a manager yet?" I asked and Parker shook his head "Wow we do, JYP must know were doing better than you guys" Rin laughed making Dylan shoot glares at her, "So what its just being shot on the street?" Parker asked and Rin nodded her head "We're here" Assisant Jung said and we got out of the van and saw the set up, "Excited?" I asked and Rin nodded.

"Okay we have a busy schedule we have to get this perfect we have three hours, JYP told me you guys are professional and take work seriously now is your time to show us as rookies, Now go change and meet back here is 10" I waved to Rin and Dylan as they walked off and we went and stood by the side.

"So what did Rin have to say to get you to come?" Parker asked "Nothing she just asked me to come with her, so I said yes because she must have been nervous, so I'm here to support her" I smiled and Parker did to "Well Dylan told me you were comin...

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"So what did Rin have to say to get you to come?" Parker asked "Nothing she just asked me to come with her, so I said yes because she must have been nervous, so I'm here to support her" I smiled and Parker did to "Well Dylan told me you were coming that's why I came" I looked over at him shocked and he started to laugh "I'm just joking, I came for the same reason" He smiled and I let out a sigh, I wish he wasn't joking.

*Dylans POV*

I got changed into Sprite swim shorts and tank top, and walked off "Okay I want you to walk down the street and look at the sun and block it from your face, walk to that building and wipe the sweat looking at your reflection, and go!" I did as he director said and than we stopped and went over it about 10 more times, I turned my head and saw Rin running in a tight sprite crop top and sprite shorts with 2 other girls and guys. "Dylan!" The director called getting my attention "Okay next just walk to the sprite machine and go 'oh sprite' press the button, grab the sprite and drink it" He said and I smiled I was so happy I was getting an easy part. After doing that part 5 times they took me over to where Rin was "Okay Rin is going to run to you and jump when she does you need to catch her" "Catch her?!"" I asked "And action" I watched as Rin ran to me and jumped and luckily I caught her "Okay we don't need to do that again"

I let Rin go and she smiled and stood off to the side. "Okay Dylan we just need you to stand here than your done" the director said, I stood there and got water splashed on my face and before I could really react they cut the camera. "Only a couple parts left with 30 minutes to go you guys are doing great, just drink the sprite and let my team do the rest" He said I looked over at Rin who gave me a thumbs up "Action!" I opened the sprite and drank it again while having water fall on me as if it was pouring rain. Right after everyone ran in as we danced in the rain and we were finally done. "Wait Dylan one more thing" The director called and Rin looked back at me "We just need you to run with these people just like Rin did" I walked over and ran than jumped at the end about 15 times before finally ending. "Rin come here we just need your voice, to do a voice over for the dancing in the rain part" The director called and Rin walked over.

*Hyunwoos POV*

We watched as Rin and Dylan worked on their CF and Olivia was really into it "Sohee, ah I mean Elle how are you so into this?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders "Do you like Dylan?" I asked and her eye went wide as she looked at me "Ani" "Hmm seems like it cause you're just watching him, thats probably why you came was to be with him, god I envy him I wish I was the one you were here to see" I laughed and she glared at me. "Ya! Oppa! I don't like Dylan" she hissed, making me laugh "I know cause you like me" I smiled squishing her cheeks It was fun to tease her I knew she liked me, everyone did, but we all pretended like we didn't know, and it was cute. "Sohee! Hyunwoo Come!" Rin called, I got up and reached out to help Sohee than pulled my hand back making her get up on her own "YAH! Why would you offer than take it back" she growled and I smiled "It's fun to tease you" I laughed walking off, I watched as Rin was whinning for Dylan to do something which made me laugh "they are cute arent they?" I asked and Sohee glared at me "That's my Oppa and my Unnie, you can't call them cute" she said and we walked over to them.

*Rins POV*

"Sohee! Hyunwoo Come!" I yelled and walked over to Dylan who was soaking wet still "Oppa!" i called and he turned around "You all done?" I asked and he nodded his head "can we go out to eat I'm starving" I begged and he shook his head "Oppa Pleaseee pleaseee" I whined grabbing his hand and he just stood there shaking his head "Oppa..." I looked down acting extreamly sad, and I knew it would work it always does "Rin, no we have to get back to JYP" He said but I didn't look up "Well I just thought for our First CF the 4 of us could go out to eat to celebrate" I said with a sad tone to my voice and let go of his hand "Ug fine we'll go, where do you want to go?" he asked and I jumped up and down smiling "Korean Barbeque!" I cheered and hugged his arm as he smiled "Thank you Oppa" I smiled hugging him fully as Sohee and Hyunwoo came over "Hyunwoo, Jinhee, we're going out for dinner" I smiled, Hyunwoo smiled and put his arm around Sohee "Ya, take your arm off her" Dylan said and I looked over at him "Oppa, its just an arm" I said and Hyunwoo smiled "Still shes like my little sister, I don't need to see Hyunwoo's affection in public towards her" He sighed "YA! WHAT AFFECTION!" Hyunwoo yelled in embarrassment causing Sohee to watch while I laughed "Okay okay Relax, you two can do you later, I'm hungry and want food so can we go" I said grabbing Dylan's arm and we all got in the van and drove off.

*Dylans Pov*

I Thought to myself as we all sat in the van in silence, everyone in JYPr6B I thought of as brothers, Sohee, and all the other girls as younger sisters, and Raejoon as a Nuna, but not Rin, Rin I didn't know what I thought of her as, she was the member in her group who I was personally closest too, and Sohee was right after, I felt a head on my shoulder and saw Rin who was sleeping, "Waa Hyung I think she likes you" Hyunwoo laughed and Sohee hit him "What do you like Dylan is that why you keep getting upset when i say stuff like that?" He teased and Sohee shook her head "Ani, you were just really loud and shes trying to sleep" Which was true he was behind us and he was pretty loud "We're here" JYP's assistant said, Hyunwoo and Sohee got out and I sat there trying to wake up Rin, "Rin were here" I said shaking her, She cuddled into me more and squinted her eyes and looked at me "Ah Oppa! I'm so sorry!" She said quickly getting off me and wiped my shoulder, I smiled and looked at her "It's okay we're here come on" I smiled grabbing her hand as we got out of the Van and went inside.

Sorry for a bad Chapter I didn't really know how to write this one :(

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